Friday, January 29, 2010


I met Elatia, her boyfriend J.R. and her high school friend Dawn whom I haven’t seen in 10yrs, at the beach today. The weather is cooler so it’s my kind of beach weather. There was a bit of cloud cover but just a thin layer, it didn’t totally block the sun, just toned it down a bit.

Martin was home working. In between calls he decides to help us out weather wise and goes to the front door and starts to clear the clouds. Well, the next thing he knows he feels a strong flick in his ear! OUCH! It stung him pretty darn good too! It shocked him because no one was home but him. He turned around to see if Andrew's friend Wes maybe snook in the back way or something. (Wes is always finding a way in our house. Some might even call it B & E. lol) But nope! No one was there!

Then he hears, “What are you doing Daddy? I put the clouds there for Pretty Mama! Leave them alone!” ROFLMAO! Andrew knows I’m not a full on sun person and gave me my kind of beach weather! AND Martin was messing with that and Andrew let him know it! Flllllick! :-D So both my air benders were trying to give me great beach weather. I have the 2 best men on my side! ;-)

As I was walking to my car alone, I was kinda feeling alone. I was sorry Martin couldn’t go with me and missing Andrew being with me. Then when I get in my car, the song I had for Andrew when he was a baby came on, Aerosmith’s “You’re My Angel.” My boy was sitting right beside me. He’s a good son!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Martin was on a reading with a woman that had a recent spiritual awakening. She goes to a DNA spa to heal past issues. She is seeing the changes in her relationship happening because of it. Her spouse is responding to her new energy in a wonderful way that is surprising her. People don’t realize just how sensitive we are to other peoples’ energy. So it’s really true, if you want things to change, YOU have to change first.

As Martin is doing the reading, he and Andrew/PureHeart do what they always do, energy work on the caller. This caller could feel it. She was feeling the tingling of the energy. Then the fun insued.

Martin tunes into PureHeart/Andrew and sees him doing what they use to do, and maybe still do at the Angel Therapy Practitioner ATP(r) classes we use to staff, pull lower vibrational energy out of people. For instance, supposedly one particular time it was a black dragon that was being pulled out. Personally, I found it to be a little on the dramatic side, but whatever.

As Andrew/PureHeart, (because it’s definitely both sides of Andrew doing this,) start pulling the energy out, Martin sees this white shield of Light around this person. Then he sees PH pull out a black, smiling dragon with tiny wings! PH is hanging onto the tail as the dragon is flying all about as PH is trying to hang onto it! LMAO! PH sez, “Shoulda grabbed him by his wings Daddy!” LOL Then PH looks at Martin and sez “Remember this Daddy?” Meaning the whole dramatic pulling energy out thing they did at ATP(r)

PureHeart goes in again and this time pulls out a very rusty pipe and looks at it like “Well this is weird!” LOL and tosses it over his shoulder. PureHeart was doing the amazing energy work while Andrew was having fun about the few times we did the dramatic energy pulling work at ATP(r) Andrew was reminding Martin of it because he knew Martin would find it funny.

As Martin was telling me this story, he was acting it out to give me the visual of what Andrew was doing. I was LMAO! I could just see Andrew doing all this. Martin was out of his body during this because he was right there with Andrew.

As the call is winding down, she thanks Martin. He asked for what because he wasn’t even aware of what he had said because he was so focused on Andrew. She said for the energy work, she could really feel it.

When Martin does readings he tends to leave his body to get info anyway. One client that came here for a reading one time saw Martin physically fading in and out as he went and got information. So even if he doesn’t remember what he said, his Higher Self has it under control apparently. Even Andrew saw Martin disappear when teaching a mediumship class during a meditation back in 2005 or 2006 In Huntington Bch, Ca. Andrew said he could hear Martin but he wasn’t there.

When the call was over Andrew told Martin “Go tell Pretty Mama. She’s looking for something to write about.” So here I am. :-D


Thursday, January 21, 2010


When Martin does commercial readings, he's bound to get a newbie at some point that wants to read him. When people start getting into their intuitive gifts, they tend to be like a kid in a candy store. They want to read everyone they see, whether the person wants it or not, whether they are any good at readings or not.

Martin has had professional psychics call him and knock his socks off and they weren't trying to read him. For instance, one psychic called him because she wanted to see if he was good as she was hearing he was AND he was! One of the first things she says was "Two peas in a pod, does that mean anything to you? I was told to say it to you." That was Andrew and Martin's saying to each other. Then she went on to describe Andrew. That's cool when that happens.

But tonight this is not what happened. This girl was a HUGE newbie who decided she wanted to read Martin which is one of his pet peeves. He hates when people offer unsolicited readings. We've had people try and do that at our shows, and not only have they been way off base, but they were out of line as well. Martin went with it tonight anyway since he works for a company that runs a tight ship & didn't want to offend her. Plus Andrew appeared that he was going to have fun with it, and make sure Martin did too. And that he did!

First, this client went on about us needing new cutlery. Huh? Really? Info on cutlery is what you are getting? I have no problem with my cutlery and I certainly wouldn't pay her a dime for info like that on a reading! Then it was about needing to re-do my kitchen counter tops. Ok, seriously, least of my concerns! A little Comet on them does the trick. She then said she saw a father figure around Martin, that is when the fun began. Andrew started blowing a horn and marching, banging big cymbals, using one of them swirly noise maker things they use at Irish football matches to get her attention. Like,"Helllloooooo! Son here! You don't see me??!!!" But no matter what Andrew did, she never once mentioned him! He's a pretty powerful Spirit! If you can't pick up on him, you can't be that good! You definitely shouldn't be doing readings for people!

Next she went on to tell Martin how he pushes away powerful women. WHAT?! Not only does he have 5 strong willed, Irish (Is that redundant?) sisters, he's married to the most powerful woman he's ever met! Andrew tells Martin "shhhhhhh don't mention Pretty Mama to her," because Andrew knows where this client is taking this. So she continues on about how there is a woman out there for him! What?! Are you kidding me with this!? Andrew says, "Yea in the living room!" "Helllloooo! *blows horn again* Really! Still nothing?!!!! Don't make me get the cymbal playing monkey" LMAO!

Martin had a hard time listening to her because Andrew was much more entertaining. Well it entertained the hell out of me that is for sure! So once again, she proved Martin's point, DON'T GIVE UNSOLICITED READINGS! Well, unless you wanna be blogged about that is! :-)


Monday, January 4, 2010

IsThat For Here or To Go?

As I have mentioned before, Muck & Martin love their 7-11 runs. Today was no different. Merlin, (my 12 lb co-dependent long haired wiener dog) and I went with Martin today. I was going to stay in the car w/Merlin when I felt the nudge (from Andrew) to go in. I wondered what debauchery awaited me in 7-11. I would soon find out!

I go in and I find Martin getting his soda, then a sammie, nothing unusual there. It wasn’t until we got to the check out counter that the fun began. When we get to the counter, the male cashier asks, “Do you want this for here or to go?” I knew right away that the cashier was screwing with Martin! lol But Martin? He hadn’t a clue! Martin was actually pondering if he wanted his soda and sammie for there or to go. HELLLLOOOO! IT’S 7-11! IT’S ALL TO GO!

I’m standing there waiting for Martin to realize that the cashier was screwing with him. Then the cashier continues on, thinking maybe the next comment might help Martin catch on, “We have valet parking too, but I dunno where they park the cars or put the keys, or if you’ll get the car back.” He then offered us a curb side service as well as a curb side table. ROFLMAO! Well, by this point, Martin catches on. Maybe it’s because I was LMAO that tipped him because the cashier kept a straight face and continued on with more nonsense that 7-11 does not offer. hahahahaha.

Martin tried to say in his defense, that he wasn’t in body is why he didn’t catch on. Yea, yea, that excuse is an old one buddy! I ain’t buyin it! You knew where you were going, you weren’t on a reading! As we were leaving, Martin sez to me while laughing, “Thanks for having my back… again!” Insinuating that I never have his back. I said,”What?! And miss all this fun!? I don’t think so Tim! Are you new?!” Andrew is so good to me! He was the one that nudged me to go in. He didn’t want me to miss this show!

Martin has sworn vengeance on this 7-11 clerk. He was quoting Stuie from Family Guy mumbling something about this clerk's death being quick and painless and quoting other high profile angry cartoon characters on the way home. Hahahahaha And this little piggy laughed all the way home! ;-)

Who knew 7-11 could be this much fun!? It is when you live w/Psychic Boy! Super Natural Hero!