Thursday, May 13, 2010


On Andrew's birthday Martin did a his own set on the break at the Irish Rover. He did 3 songs from his and Andrew's music cd. As Martin was singing the songs Andrew gave him, I closed my eyes so I could see Andrew up there playing beside his Dad, because I just knew that's what was really going on up there on stage. I closed my eyes and just let the images float into my mind's eye. Andrew had his usual camo shorts, black shirt, no matter how much I tried to see him in something else, it was that outfit I kept seeing him in. He also had his green Guild guitar from John Denver. Andrew was up there rocking out right at his Dad's side. It felt good to "see" my 2 men, my 2 peas in a pod, rockin out together.

After we got home Martin told me how Andrew was up there playing with him. I told him that I knew that, I saw that too. But he got to experience more! While Martin was up there playin with Andrew, he heard Andrew harmonizing with him. He said Andrew's voice is so incredible. I know that his voice was incredible when he was here but I guess it is even more so now. Martin said it was an amazing experience to be up there not only playin with Andrew but also hearing him sing with him. Wish I could've heard that! Another goal to work on. *sigh*

It was yet another good birthday celebration for our Muck since he left this plane.



A friend of ours, Tom, that we met through the Irish Rover needed some computer help today. He got some sort of computer worm and lost his data. That was one thing Martin was pretty good at in his pre-medium career as a computer gee..I mean technician. I didn't even think about our friend's business when I dropped Martin off until Martin told me what happened when I saw him later. Then I was like "duh!" What business is Tom in? He owns 3 FUNeral homes. They can be like a hospital or courthouse, a haven for spirits a nightmare for mediums. Surprisingly enough there wasn't a bunch of spirits hanging around the place. Tom doesn't use this particular facility for viewings. BUT there was one that showed up.

Martin heard someone ask him what he was doing and when he looked around no one was there. That's when he "tuned in" and saw a tall, older, nice looking gentleman in a janitor/mechanic type uniform. Martin asked who he was and he said his name was Jimbo. Jimbo told Martin that he saw him walking in, meaning Jimbo saw the beam of light that mediums tend to emit that let spirits know they can be seen and or heard, so he decided to come by for a chat. Jimbo is from the 1930's.

I actually learned something from Jimbo. Martin asked him if had seen the Light. Jimbo said, "Yes, been there done that. Met AA Michael and Jesus." He continued, "I like hanging around on this dimension. It makes me happy." The general rule of thumb for spirits on this dimension is that they are supposedly "stuck," unable to move on. Apparently that is not the case. Who knew? Jimbo knew. I found that lil ditty of info interesting.

Jimbo took Martin on a little tour of the facility showing him where the kitchen was and the bathroom but not the "work room." Jimbo continued to chat with Martin while Martin looked at Tom's computer. Martin was careful not to answer out loud as not to scare Tom's secretary. People tend to think you're crazy when you start talking to what appears to be thin air. :-D When Martin went outside to talk with Tom and his son about the computer, Jimbo stayed inside for whatever reason so there was no formal goodbye, but Jimbo did say before Martin walked out, "Nice boy you have there." That was cool! Yes, Martin did tell Tom about Jimbo, but Tom wasn't sure what to make of it.

Tom asked Martin,"How much do I owe you?" Martin heard Andrew say, "Tell him he owes you nothing Daddy." Martin asked Andrew, "Why? Are we going to need his services soon or something? Are you trying to tell me something?" Andrew couldn't stop laughing and said, "No, no no Daddy, my bad, just tell him he owes you nothing." So Martin did.

My life with a medium is interesting to say the least!