Sunday, December 20, 2009

Spider Man! Spider Man!

He can do what no other spider can! :-D

Here’s another thing Andrew has done for Martin since he is busy with a lot of commercial readings. Commercial readings are a whole other ball game when it comes to doing psychic readings. You get the “Who my baby daddy?” or “Is he gonna leave his wife?” or “When is he gonna call? It’s been 6mo.” or “When am I gonna meet my soul mate?” You get the idea. It can take a toll on a reader. Not all psychics can handle commercial readings. I’m surprised I did the short time I did do it. I actually did pretty good.

Martin is a lean mean reading machine! :-D But even he needs to protect to himself from people sucking his energy. Yep Virginia! Vampires do exist! They exist in the form of energy vampires. I’m sure you have met a few people like that, they just suck your energy dry and you are exhausted when they leave.

Well, Andrew introduced Martin to Teddy tonight. Andrew said, “Daddy I want you to meet my friend Teddy, he’s gonna help protect you during your readings.” Martin has all kinds of “interesting” protection around him already. We call it “interesting” because it usually freaks clairvoyants out when they see what is around Martin. LOL While he has this protection, he could use a little more when doing a lot of commercial readings. So in comes “Teddy,” a psychic spider! Yes! You read that right! A psychic spider. Martin said Teddy spun a psychic silk cocoon around him for protection. He said that he can see out but nothing can get in! He said it tickled him as it was being spun around him. That doesn't sound weird at all!

He said that Andrew decided to introduce Martin to Teddy when he had a “baaawaaa baaawaa” client. Their energy was so whiny and draining that Andrew decided Martin needed a little more help in keeping his energy high so he could give each caller his best. So in comes Teddy the psychic silk spinning spider! If the neighbors only knew what went on in this lil ole house of ours! LOL :-D



This is a message that was sent by a dear friend who has the absolute coolest experiences with Andrew/PureHeart. I am so grateful that she shares her experiences with him with me. Here is her latest encounter with my son this morning...

"During the meditation, I saw the Light that means PureHeart is here. He has his hands held out in front of him, & they bathed me in a golden glow. He told me that the light was joy, and I have to choose joy to keep the Light around me. The Light burned away the old me and revealed a new, golden, joyful me. He smiled, put his elf hat on and vanished."

What a powerful, beautiful message and delivered in the holiday spirit to boot. He was always joyful here and continues to share that joy. That is my Mucker! It makes me so happy when I read how my boy continues to effect peoples' lives in such a positive, joyful way from the Other Side. It does a Pretty Mama's heart good!


Wednesday, December 16, 2009


This lil story is sooooo goin in my act! If I ever get to perform again that is.

Martin had one of ‘those’ kind of readings recently. You know the one, the one where I tell my Guides to, “take a break, I think I have this one” (a line from my act) kind of reading. lol This woman is in… is in…, well, she actually calls it a relationship, but in reality it is NOT! She and her "boyfriend," (I'm doing air quotes as well), haven’t been intimate since March! All he does is dump HIS kid at her place to babysit. Has cheated on her (shocking I know!) AND she wants to know if he is going to ask her to marry him!!! SERIOUSLY??!! You wanna marry that? Are you kiddin me?? arrrrg! Yet another woman not standing in her power! Yet another reason I don't do commercial readings anymore, ok, I don't do any readings anymore. Can you even imagine Martin and I doing readings? It wouldn't be pretty! One of us needs to stay on the 3rd dimension.

Anyway, Martin is trying to wake her sorry ass up, trying to get her to see what she is willing to accept for herself, i.e. being a door mat, whipping post, etc. But she ain’t hearing it. Martin then looks to Andrew to see if he has any words of wisdom that he might be able to impart on this very misguided woman who enjoys the view from inside her colon! Instead of paying attention to the reading, what is Andrew doing? He’s playing cards with his Guides. LOL LOL Martin tries to get an answer from The Muck but Muck shushes Martin! Yep! He shushed Martin! LOL Then he says to his Guides “go fish I don’t have an AA Michael card.” LMAO! How freakin hysterical is that?! They weren’t even playing poker or black jack but go fish with a Doreen Virtue's Arch Angel oracle deck! Too funny. And no, Martin never got an answer from The Muck. Martin just had to come up with some creative ways to say the same damn thing, “dump the chump!”

Those boyz of mine! They keep me amused!



OMG Muck is on a roll! He keeps this up, blogging all this will be a full time job!

It appears that Wednesdays are a tough reading day for Martin. Dunno what it is about Wednesdays/Humpdays and why that is, but it’s usually Martin's highest minute day of readings too. He says most of the readings are hard on Wednesday. The clients are hard headed, usually in loser relationships, like a cheating boyfriend, a married man, etc, etc, etc and they don’t want to hear that he’s NOT gonna call or leave his wife. *sigh*

Tonight Martin had a reading and this person who did NOT want to hear about Angels or Spirit Guides, only GOD! They believe that, that is all there is, GOD! SO what does Martin see? Andrew standing there by this person with a long beard and a crooked wig,(like Martin’s Wizard’s Window costume) and a robe looking like God that actually said "GOD" on the front of the robe. LMAO He looks at Martin and when Muck realizes Martin recognizes him (hahahahaha) he goes shhhhhhh! He didn't want Martin to give him away. LOL I can just picture all this! I’m just glad I’m not in my car this time ROFLMAO when Andrew pulls a funny, I got more room at home to ROFLMAO!

Well, Martin can’t help but mention Andrew to his clients since Andrew is very much a part of the reading. When Martin starts to tell Andrew’s story, they usually cry but they also get goosebumps, then they usually have a profound experience with Andrew/Pureheart later. Even this client that only wanted to hear about God and only God, felt Andrew beside them, they described him, not dressed like God mind you, ;-) but they knew he was tall and felt his energy. By the end of the reading they admitted to seeing AA Michael as a child. Then asked the question “Why does God need all these helpers like Angels and Guides then?” Martin’s reply? “Because God is a man and lazy!” Andrew gave his 2 thumbs up and all 3 of them laughed about it. My boyz ROCK!



Martin had another reading that Andrew got creative with. He showed up with a friend of ours Higher Self. I'm not going to go into the details of that because you'd have to know Brandon to really appreciate it and picture him. Brandon is still here but Andrew interacts with Brandon's Higher Self.

I guess Andrew was trying to distract the client from the dead end road she was heading down. Yep, another guy, Martin didn't have the heart to tell her that he was gay, that's where Brandon came in handy with that info. So Martin looks to Andrew for an answer and he sees Andrew with Elatia's blue wig on along with a nurse's cap. Andrew's fiddling with the nurse's hat trying to get it to fit just right in his own OCD way. LMAO! Now Andrew wasn't wearing a nurses uniform, he draws the line there! :-D So Martin asks the client "Are you a nurse?" Client: "WOW! yes I am!" But it didn't distract her for long before she was right back asking about this relationship that just wasn't gonna happen the way she wanted. *sigh* Andrew AND Brandon were like "That's all we got." Commercial readings are tough! That is why Andrew tries to keep it light and fun for Martin, so he doesn't put a gun to his own head! LOL


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Testing! Testing! Is This Thing On?

Since Martin is busy again (Thank God/dess, Allah, Buddha. PureHeart etc) doing 25-30 readings a day, he and Andrew are having A LOT of fun together. You’d think I’d be jealous that Martin has such an amazing connection w/Andrew, but instead I am happy that one of us is in constant contact w/Andrew. I know my time will come and I will have it too As things start to calm down and the stress level goes down, I know it will happen. At least I do get messages from him and feel him touching me.

It’s funny how Andrew handles Martin. He could come right out and tell Martin what the deal is, but since Martin enjoys the journey so much, Andrew lets Martin figure things out for himself. For instance, when Martin goes to “Andrew” for answers to a client’s question, he gives an “Andrew” answer. As I have mentioned before, Andrew would always give random answers to questions sounding like he knew what he was talking about when really he was just making stuff up off the top of his head. God I miss him doing that w/me! He was just so funny with it you couldn’t get mad at him!

When Martin said to Andrew, “C’mon help me out! Where’s the PureHeart answer?” Andrew reminded him, “Daddy, you asked for Andrew not PureHeart!” Then Andrew hits him with a profound PureHeart answer. So Martin now knows when asking for answers, be specific on who you want to give the answers! ;-)

NOW when Martin gets “one of those calls,” you know, the most dreaded question for all psychics, besides the "who's my baby daddy" call, but the “is he coming back?” call, the call you really don’t need a psychic for. Andrew will keep it light and fun so Martin doesn’t get bored. Plus Andrew loves to play w/Martin during those calls. During one of “those” calls, Martin had a funny comment to lighten the person up and also so he wouldn’t want to reach through the phone and pimp slap her, but he got nothing! Not one chuckle. Then Martin sees Andrew on a stage tapping a mic sayin “Is this thing on?” Then Andrew immediately apologized for tapping the mic. It was validation that Martin was seeing Andrew because then Martin remembered when he told Andrew, when he was here, about why you shouldn’t tap on a mic, that you can damage it. Martin said that if he was just making it up about seeing Andrew, he wouldn’t have seen him apologizing because he had totally forgotten about telling Andrew about that.

As I was typing this about Andrew and the mic, a re-run of Scrubs came on and JD thought he made a funny and then it shows him on stage w/a mic saying "Is this thing on?" I love it when Andrew gives me validation like that! It just validates what I already know, that all this stuff is real!

Another time recently, another client was stuck in a dead end or non existent relationship and Martin went to Andrew for a creative answer for "NO! He’s not coming back or calling! MOVE ON!" What did Martin see? The old test patterns that use to be on TV in the old days! Andrew showed Martin the one he use to see when Martin was a kid in Ireland. LMAO! It was Andrew’s way of saying “No Andrew aqui!” hahahahaha

Another thing Andrew does for Martin with his new job, is that when another psychic is calling Martin, Andrew shows him his septor with an emerald on the top that he carries around with him, as a sign that it’s a psychic on the line. Martin is getting such accolades that other psychic’s are calling him to see if he’s as good as they say he is. AND he is! :-D

So my boyz are having a blast working together. They are a REAL dynamic duo! And I’m glad they are mine!


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Other Door...Uh...

No! Wait! Other car!

Today is a perfect example of why we don't let Martin drive or go out on his own very often. Not only is it his no sense of direction skills but also the fact he isn't in his body for long lengths of time.

Martin and I go out together today to run some errands. He wanted to stop off at 7-11. His and Andrew's fav outings were to 7-11. When Andrew would hear that Martin was making a 7-11 run, he'd coming barreling out of his room like a wolf spider saying "I wanna go! Wait for me!"

I decided to wait in the car and let Martin go into 7-11 on his own. No biggie, right?? SO as I am sitting there, I watch as Martin comes out of 7-11 laughing and heads in the the opposite direction of our car! I figured he'd notice that he was going in the wrong direction but nope! I watch as he goes over to a black SUV's passenger side a few cars down. I'm thinking OMG! He's going to get in that car!

Then I see him walk out from behind said black SUV laughing even more! I was LMAO anxiously awaiting what the hell was going through his head as he nearly got into another car that someone was actually sitting in!

He gets in and starts to explain but first saying, "You couldn't have honked?" LOL Now what would have been the fun in that?! :-D He explained that when he laughs, he feels Andrew's energy more and got caught up in it and wasn't paying attention. Well, he must've really been feeling Andrew! And he did!

As he went to reach for the black SUV's door he hears Andrew say, in his best Simon Cowel voice, "Other car Daddy," and then showed him the whole American Idol audition scene as the contestants almost always reached for the wrong door. When Martin realized what he was doing, and that it was NOT me sitting in this car, he hears Andrew say, "Hey, how's it going Daddy?" Well, the 3 of us laughed all the way home! Just like the 5th lil piggy! LOL


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thank You India

Today's post isn't about my medium husband but about me and my son.

Today I was sitting here on my laptop doing the usual, Facebook, Farmville on FB, reading posts on FB, making announcements on FB about upcoming concert and Light The Night Walk, when my nephew Mark IMs me. He was setting his mother, my sis in law, up on Facebook so she too can have no life other than a cyber one.

I asked about a profile pic of her but Mark said he was waiting on my other nephew Patrick, (Irish in laws, so there’s a helluva lot of them) to accept his mother’s friend request to access his photoies. I told him I had Patrick’s graduation pics and to look there. As I was guiding him on where to look, I got caught up in looking at Andrew’s pics.

As I was promoting the Light The Night Walk and Int’l It’s All Good Day, I would wonder about Andrew and what he was doing, then a song would come on the tv music station that reminded me of him. Like ‘Viva La Vida’,(after he crossed) and ‘Chasing Cars.’ (while we were in hospital) I guess he was letting me know that he was right there with me.

So as I was perusing Muck’s photoies, missing him beyond belief, last week was a rough one. I still get overwhelmed with everything I have to deal with and it eventually gets the better of me and I succumb to the grief and stress. Anyway, as I was looking at the pics of my Muck, a song comes on the tv music station that I didn’t really pay attention to, until…until I hear, “She’s got no gagina! She’s got no gagina!” I started LMAO then something else happens. As I am looking thru Muck’s pics it skips one and it goes to the next one of Muck with his big grin standing with his PICU nurse Julie. He wanted to make sure I knew he was laughing right there with me. So there I sat laughing and crying with my Muck.

You see, when Andrew was about 4yo he saw the Alanis Morrisette music video of “Thank U” where she’s walking down a busy city street, NY perhaps, wearing no clothes and has no “gagina.” Andrew pointed that out. It was soooo funny! He reminded me of that today. Man! I miss my Muck!


Friday, October 9, 2009

Git Along Lil Doggie

My now 12 lbs, (note to self, put Merlin on a diet) co-dependent, long haired, black and tan dapple, wiener dog Merlin, likes to get his vitamin D in the morning by sitting in the sun on the back patio. He does his usual scoping out the patio area around the pool/frog pond. He lets the lizards know who's boss out there. When he's done, and he feels his work is done for a while, he barks to come inside.

Martin went outside the other day while Merlin was still doing his morning thing to notice Merlin in quite a state! His ears were pulled back like they were pinned to his head and Merlin was looking behind himself barkin. Merlin had yellow petals from the tree that sheds onto out patio all over him. Martin thought it was odd to see him trying to look at his back barking, he doesn't chase his tail. That's when Martin heard "Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!" He tunes in to see a pixie and a brownie riding Merlin with his ears being the reigns! To them Merlin is like a horse, not a small wiener dog. LOL

Martin couldn't help but laugh at what they had done to Merlin. The Fae love messin around with animals. I have to admit, it's kinda fun to watch even if you can't see the Fae, you see the result and it's pretty funny. A friend of ours told us years ago about how the Fae mess with his St Bernard. He'd go barking into the bushes and come out with faeries hanging from his whiskers! LMAO!

Martin eventually told the pixie and brownie, "Get back in the yard!" They did and he fixed Merlin's ears and brushed the yellow petals off him before he let Merlin inside.

Most people are unaware of the Elementals in their yard, but make no mistake, they are there! It makes life more interesting when you acknowledge and work with them. Watch your cat or dog the next time they are in the yard and appear to be barking at "nothing." That's a good time to practice seeing what is really going on with them and getting to know your unseen 'neighbors'. ;-)


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Muck The Mechanic

When it's slow around here on stories, I go to my blog on and get stories from there. This is one of those times. Ok, a lot of the past posts I've done that. Martin is busy working on getting Andrew's service up on the web and is busy with that. He doesn't tell me all the interaction he has with Andrew, it's so common for him that he doesn't think to tell me everything. *sigh*

Andrew wanted to take Martin out for dinner for Father’s Day. Of course we had to go to Long Horns. It’s been the tradition for many years. Well, nearly 9yrs now. Elatia always works on holidays so we go there when we are going out.

We get in the car and it starts, then dies, starts, then dies, starts, then dies, you get the picture. It was running great yesterday when we went to and from Brandon which is close to 70 miles one way. I have a 2001 Lexus RX300 that I got for my 40th b-day. The kids helped me pick it out, and it just plain kicks ass! It is such a great car, still rides like a dream and has never left me stranded, well, except for once at the clown house. Our battery died after 6yrs which is amazing! They usually go after 4yrs apparently. We weren’t driving much while in hospital & we may have left the inside light on which is why the battery gave out.

So we call Jeremy to see if he can give us a ride to Long Horns and we would use Elatia’s car to go home. I go inside to sulk. Martin gets in the car and says “Ok Andrew, I have had a great day & want it to continue, what’s going on with the car?” Martin feels Andrew’s energy move to the back of the car. Martin feels Andrew’s energy go through the exhaust pipe and move through the car to the front under the hood. Then Andrew says “Try it again Daddy.” Martin starts the car and Andrew tells him to keep his foot on the gas then slowly lift his foot off the gas a little at the time. Andrew was using terms Martin uses in his meditation poking fun at him. LMAO! Martin got a chuckle out of it, but then told him to focus! Martin lifted his foot off the gas and it kept running!

Jeremy showed up and the car was still running. Since he was there and could give us ride if need be, we decided to test the car and turned it off. It started up again no probs! The car sounded like it’s ole self and drove like it too! We went and got some fuel injection stuff for the gas. Who knew Muck was a mechanic? :-)

Then when we got to Long Horns, Martin hears a song playing. He was all happy about it. I asked him why he had such a goofy smile on his face. He explained that he asked Andrew for a Neil Young song for a present. It was Martin’s fav Neil Simon song, “Heart Of Gold,” that was playing at Long Horns when we got our seat. It just validated that Andrew was with us to enjoy some steakie goodness too! He’s a good son!


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Trivial Pursuits

Martin has an infinity for useless information. So he was on a hunt for some new useless info to fill his pretty lil head with, and also to share, so a googling he did go. I don’t know, is there websites just for useless info? Apparently there is.

So he was looking up on how the word “gun” started being used for weapons. See? Useless information. Not sure why he found the origin of the word gun fascinating enough to look up, but he did. As he starts his hunt, he hears Andrew telling him, “I know Daddy!” Martin said, “oh yea? Tell me then,” half believing him but still googling the info. Andrew continues, “It comes from the African Goddess of war, Gun.” So as Martin goes to ask him “really?” He feels Andrew’s energy disappear which is the equivalent to him running away & hiding! LMAO As I have mentioned before, Andrew would answer questions we’d ask him with such authority when he was here, like he really knew the answer and he’d be totally making it up! Right down to asking him the time. We’d always LOAO when he’d do it because he sounded so confident he knew the answer.

Martin knew Andrew was pulling one of his stunts when he pulled the disappearing act. Much to Martin’s surprise, Andrew was actually correct about one thing, there really is a “Gun,” African Goddess of War, pretty impressive I have to say, but that is not where the use of the word gun came from. I googled it and found this, “This word for a firearm most likely comes from a Scandinavian woman’s name.” “It it has been suggested by Professor W. W. Skeat that it conceals a female name, Gunnilde or Gunhilda.”

It’s weird that Andrew actually had some info right. Usually he’d make the answer ALL up! LOL It’s good to see our Muck still up to his old tricks!


Monday, September 28, 2009

He Shoots! He Scores!

Martin decided to go out with Andrew's friend Daniel, and I as we ran errands. We had to go & get our Harry Potter tix, a run to Whole Foods & Publix. Going out w/Daniel is an adventure, he talks w/anyone & everyone he meets. In Ireland he would be known as a wee Granda. LOL You can tell where he’s been because he leaves a trail of people laughing or smiling in his wake! LOL It’s fun to watch.

While we were listening to Martin’s new music cd in the car, the 3rd song that reminds me of Andrew’s journey Home was on. Martin tells me that he asked Andrew for a sign to let him know he was around. Martin then says, “He sent me a sign,” & he pointed over to a license plate that said “Hug Kiss.” Then we were hit with a wave of emotion and we both had tears in our eyes as we felt Andrew’s presence, we felt his love, the amazing love that he has for his parents. Andrew then told Martin “I’m in every fiber, of every cell, of your being Daddy.” And boy did we feel it! As Martin and I hold hands and take in the moment, (while I’m trying to drive mind you!) Martin starts to laugh because Andrew then said, all chuffed (proud), “He shoots! He scores!” :-D We both started LOAO! lil bastard! LOL He’s still not off the hook for leaving us behind! He still has a smack from me coming when I get there!


Saturday, September 26, 2009

An Avatar's Journey Home

I thought since it is coming up on the 2nd anniversary of his crossing, and Kimberly's father is getting ready to make his transition, I would post it again here.

This is Andrew's story of his journey home as told by Andrew through Martin. While we got a glimpse of his journey the night he left us, Martin got the full channel in Feb '08.

For all those who are Andrew's friends and love him, I hope this brings you some peace. I know you miss him, but he is still here with you. He is only a thought away! IT'S ALL GOOD!

"I was met by a beautiful energy in the shape of a white stag. He whispered my name, Glan Croi, many times. Many times until my energy resounded with it. It became me, as I became the name.

"What does it mean," I asked.

"PureHeart." The stag replied.

"PureHeart." I whispered in return. It felt right and it felt purposeful.

"What do I do now?" I asked.

"We wait, Glan Croi, we wait."

I waited. I felt so very clear and very beautiful. Then I remembered my mom and dad, and my sister. I became sad for a split second, and this stag enveloped me. I felt safe. It felt like home to me.

I then saw my dad, lost in a moment, but I knew he could see me. So I smiled and waved at him, I remember thinking, if he only knew what awaits, he would not be so sad. I also saw my mom. I admire her strength so very much. I'm able to do what I need to do because of them. I have peace, and I will share with them until we reunite.

I was able to communicate with their higher selves when I ascended. Through their teaching I was never lost. It helped me understand where I was, when so many people don't. You need to know who and where you are before you cross, else you get lost here.

I still travel with my parents my sister, and their higher consciousness. We are working and loving together. It is my wish that their human cells know and accept this, even the times they cannot feel it. It is so.

I spoke to my dad, and he heard me. I asked him to tell the healers to stop. It was time for me to leave, and get things ready. I am happy. He did not listen to me at first, so I taught him like he taught me. He took his own advice though, and helped me make sense of it. Now he has to help Mommy, and my sister Elatia, but he hears me, so that won't be a problem.

"Are you ready?" the stag said.

"Ready? What for?" I questioned.

"They want to celebrate your coming Home."

"They, who are they?"

"Follow me: Glan Croi, and you will see."

We left the room, and I found myself at the edge of a beautiful forest. It felt more like home than anything I had ever experienced before. I couldn't take it all in at first. Images were flashing very quickly. It seems we were moving very quickly, but naturally, at the same time. It just felt right to me.

We came to what I remembered to be a large castle, with a drawbridge. Above me was an archway of trees leading into a courtyard containing a fountain, with a large lion statue in the middle of it. There was water coming from the lion's mouth into the base of the fountain. It's sparkled and glowed. I drank from the fountain and remembered who I am. It was wonderful and beautifully overwhelming.

The stag was no longer with me, and as I looked back I saw it's energy disappearing into the trees. "Welcome home,: Glan Croi." I heard him whisper as he became one with the trees. It did not matter that he was gone, because I knew where to go from here. Straight ahead, and through the double wooden doors that were in front of me.

As I pushed them open and walked forward, I was transported into a great arena. I realized at this point, that I had not been wearing any clothes. I was naked, but I noticed that I didn't have any of the needle marks, and other marks that my body on earth had accumulated during my stay in hospital. All of these realizations happened in a split second.

I heard cheering and whistling, and I also heard a loud thundering. I came to awareness and I see what looks like thousands of people sitting around the arena, and standing around the arena, cheering and clapping. I know who I am. I have always known who I am. I remember thinking that this was cool. The initial fear that I had when I crossed was long gone, and in its place was a feeling of "yeah, now that's what I'm talking about!"

I was met by my mom, dad, and Elatia, and they took me together with Michael, the Angel, to the center of the arena where there was a large throne-like chair. A lady wearing a green robe came up behind me, and put upon me a beautiful forest green robe. I put my arms through and it felt like I had worn this before. She tied the robe with a thick golden rope which fell to my sides very comfortably.

As I looked around the arena at the thousands of happy faces, I noticed that they were all wearing robes of various colors. They were sectioned according to their colors around the arena. Facing the throne I saw all the people wearing a similar robe to me. They were standing and cheering. My mom and my dad and my sister were seated there.

A tall man came over to me and placed a headpiece on my head. It was silver with an Emerald heart right in the center. "We welcome you home,: Glan Croi." I sat on the chair for a little while, then went to greet everyone that I knew. I had traveled many places with all of these people many, many times. I have no regrets, and will always strive to communicate with my parents and my sister, because I realized as soon as I crossed that our work has just begun.

I will see you all very soon and you will remember. We are destined to travel for we are an unstoppable and connected team. Much love and blessings to you. Let's go, you know you want to."

February 2008

Glan Croi

This still brings tears to my eyes when I read it. How amazing, powerful and profound! I am really looking forward to my journey Home!


I have this beautiful handmade faerie, named Sidhe, pronounced She, that I bought at the Laguna Beach Sawdust Festival back in 2002 after an ATP(r) reunion. She is about 3 ft tall. Sidhe is just stunning with her long, blond, real hair, and her purple and green vintage Stevie Nicks type dress. I just love her!

When we had our store, she sat in an antique high chair in the front window. When kids came in they would talk to her. I honestly think they could hear her. They were always very respectful to her. They would stroke her arm or touch her face as they talked to her. It was cool to watch.

Now she sits in the same antique high chair by my back door to the pool/frog pond area. Sidhe is right up against the wall beside the french doors. Friday we noticed that her chair was away from the wall and turned towards the back room, Elatia’s old room. I thought maybe Andrew's friend Daniel might have done it when he grabbed his backpack for school. He spent Wed & Thurs night with us. He kept it on the chair beside Sidhe. I never got to ask him if he might have done it.

Martin put her back last night before we went to bed and says to Andrew, “I’m getting tired of putting her back.” Figuring this was not going to be the last time. ;-) Then Andrew says to him, “Not as tired as I am moving it out Daddy!” LOL

Then tonight right before we go into Andrew’s room for me to work on my astral travel exercises to meet up with Andrew, Martin came inside from the pool area and Sidhe was once again away from the wall facing the back room! As we notice this, Cold Play’s Viva La Vida came on the music channel. I just turned that channel on! I hardly ever do that at night, just during the day usually. We just started laughing because it is just so Andrew! Its his calling card to do something, then follow it up with a sign and Viva La Vida is a definite sign! He sent me that song last year. It reminds me of how he talked about ruling the world. It was bittersweet moment because I could just see him standing there laughing but missing his physical presence tremendously as well. But…


Monday, September 21, 2009

Peek A Boo!

This is a short one. I was using the laptop where Andrew’s portrait is the background. It’s doubled side by side so it doesn’t deform the picture. As I was trying to post something on FB the whole FB page moved down just enough to where I see Andrew’s eyes from the one portrait peeking over the top at me. As I notice this I hear in my head, “Peek a boo I see you!”LOL It took me a second to realize that it wasn’t my voice in my head, but Andrew’s. It made me laugh.

Then when Martin went into his office tonight, he noticed that his computer was logged onto Andrew’s FB. It had been logged onto Martin’s when he left. He thought maybe I was on it checking something out, but I was not! So Martin goes into his bathroom after and the fairy light was on, it hadn’t been on in days. Now I just looked at the time & it is 12:22am! These signs are helping me to stay somewhat calm as things have been extremely slow this month, like freakishly slow. I am sooooo ready for all these ideas to start sprouting already!

Martin told me to google and yahoo Martin and Connie Jordan, Connie & Martin Jordan, and International It’s All Good Day. WOW! We have a lot of listings on the 1st pg of each search engine! Even WitchyWoman I come up several times on the 1st pg. It’s the same for Psychic Boy. We have internet presence people! WOoo HOOo! Again, anytime now! Let’s see the them idears a sproutin!


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Keepin The Dream Alive

Martin went into the office, or the lair, as the boys call it, this morning and saw Andrew sitting in his chair staring into the monitor screen. He had his head resting on his hand. Martin asked Andrew “what’s up?” Andrew replied, “nothing much Daddy, just keeping the dream alive.” He then thanked Martin & I for the work we continue to do to get his message out there. He then said,”No worries Daddy, you and Mommy will be out there doing what you love soon.” Martin said he knows what Andrew is saying is true, because he can “feel it in my water.” I finally told him he should probably see a dr about it since he’s been “feeling it in his water” for awhile now. LMAO

Andrew looked a bit different today. He had a wee goatee that he played with on his chin. (is that a bit redundant?) He would always twirl his hair on his head when he was at his computer and make a wee horn on the front of his head with it that I was always making fun of. lol When he was in hospital he had a bit of the Shaggy thing going on his chin. I would play with it because I was excited to see hair growing again. He was not amused with me at all! He didn’t like hair on his face so I was surprised when Martin said that Andrew had a goatee this morning.

Martin was telling me all this, while I was driving to get bagels. Of course I have to ask him questions to pull it out of him. He really makes me work for this information!

So I proceed to ask him, “What was Andrew wearing? What did he look like?” I’m always curious if he appears as Muck or PureHeart. This morning it was The Muck…an older Muck. He is not 16yo anymore that is fo sho! He is showing himself as his 18yo self would be here. It’s kinda cool that he does that for us!

This morning he had his goatee, his hair pretty much the same, a WHITE t-shirt on which I thought was odd because he NEVER wore white. He also had on something he never wore too, long jeans. He hated wearing long jeans, even in Ireland, he wore his camo or jean shorts. He had black tie shoes too. He only wore those at Elatia’s wedding. It was always sneakers any other time.

The white t-shirt was tight, like Simon Cowell tight, lol showing off his muscles. ;-) Muck had him some serious muscle action going on before he was diagnosed and he was working out w/weights to fine tune his already beautiful physique. I tried to talk him into becoming a model but he wasn’t having it at all! Anyway, on the t-shirt it said “ME!” That’s it, that’s all it said. Of course that took Martin on a journey. If a swinging trash can lid in a grocery store can do that to him, why not a t-shirt that said ME!

Finally Martin asked Andrew what the t-shirt meant. Andrew’s reply? “I know who I am Daddy.” And so he does! He did while he was here too, which is most important because if we know who we are here, it makes our journey back Home that much sweeter! Martin and I done good! We enabled Andrew to have the best journey Home that he could ever possibly have! We also did our job so well he was able to go Home when he did. *sigh* (I'll know better next time! yea like there'll be a next time!) I know I will see the rewards for that when I finally get to go Home.

An interesting thing happened while at the bagel shoppe. Andrew ALWAYS follows up his appearance with a sign. It even blew Martin away. As we are waiting to give our order, the cashier, *pronounced* Marteen says to someone, “Keeping the dream alive!” :-o Martin and I just looked at each other and LOAO! That’s our Muck! :-D

Muck also helped Martin to not over fill his coffee this time by making fun of him by repeating Martin’s words to him “Why do they fill up the coffee cup up too much?!” before he started pouring his own coffee. Can’t remember if I blogged or told someone that story of how when we went to the bagel shoppe a few weeks ago, Martin was thinking “Why do they always fill the coffee up too much? I have no room for milk.” Andrew had to remind him “Uhh Daddy, you poured that!” I went over to see why Martin was laughing so much and that is what he told me. He did it the next time too! But this time Andrew caught him in time.

Honestly! We should be a reality show!


Friday, September 18, 2009

That Son O'Mine

We did a meditation class in Brandon back in July at Under The Gypsy Moon. It is amazing to see how Andrew…PureHeart works.

There was a little girl there, Rhiannon, she’s about 2-3ys old. Martin could see her wee antenna on top of head. An Elemental through & through this little one is. She is very clairvoyant. Rhiannon sees the faeries and also the spirits that roam Gypsy Moon, well she sees spirits every where she goes I’m sure. When she was asked where Andrew was, she pointed right where Martin saw him standing.

During the meditation Martin saw Andrew walking around doin his energy work. He went over to Rhiannon to play with her. Martin saw Rhiannon blow Andrew kisses.

After the meditation when people were sharing their experiences so Martin could give them a read on it, one woman had an interesting thing happen. She said that she heard Martin call her name. She said she heard him doing the meditation but also heard him audibly calling her name over & over. Martin said it was probably Andrew she was hearing. She said “well then he sounds just like you!” She asked if he was tall and lanky, because she said she saw this tall, lanky, handsome Being. We laughed and said YES! She went on to say that he did energy work on her shoulders, she could feel him touch her & feel the stress leave her body. I brought out his pic in my purse and she said “Yes, that is him!” The picture got passed around to everyone. One woman put her left hand over the picture for bit before she passed it on. After she passed Andrew’s pic to the next person, she was crying. While she didn’t say anything, I’m guessing she felt his healing energy and it touched her heart.

I just LOVE working with that son o’mine!


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Physical Siting Of Muck!

While Andrew's friend Daniel, and I were on a midnight run to Walmart a few months ago (there are some scary ass ppl there at that time) to get a candle for the ceremony for us to be his Godparents, Martin was practicing the piano. As Martin was working on learning a hard cord, he suddenly got it with ease. He looked up to see Andrew walking through the office! Well, it wasn’t really the office Andrew was walking through. It was where he is now, so it was Martin that had raised his vibration.

Martin saw him as solid as if he never left here! Andrew waved to Martin and had a big beautiful smile on his face. He was on his way to somewhere. Martin said he looked so amazing! Andrew was wearing his camo shorts, his Hern t-shirt, and his denim jacket I got him in Vegas from the Excalibur, with the collar up. He never wore it like that before. He also pointed to the computer and then to Martin to let him to know to “Get Blogging!” LOL You were right Leah to laugh in his general direction when Martin said he was going to be blogging more! teeeheeeee hehehehehe

Even though it was only a split second, it was like time stood still. Martin got a lot of feelings and messages in it. Andrew told him not to worry about anything, everything is under control that they are handling everything.

Martin said that when someone raises their vibration that high, the Guides come out like cockroaches on sugar! LOL Meaning that in that instant while they have you on that vibration, they are like the pit crew at a NASCAR race working on you. So he had some kind of attunement. Afterward Martin said his nose and eyes were running. He said these experiences are like crack, very addicting and makes him high, makes me high hearing about it!

Earlier tonight as I was sitting here listening to music that connects me to Muck, I felt the tug on my left ear again and then my crown chakra was buzzing so I know something’s going on with me too. Dunno what, but something. ;-)


Wednesday, September 16, 2009


If you watch SyFy's Warehouse 13 you know what I'm talking about.

Andrew was in quite the mood the other morning! He was been playing with Martin ALL morning on Monday! He showed Martin another “t-shirt” so to speak. Only this time he showed Martin wearing a dress, with a white streak in his hair (representing me) & underneath him it said “Yer da’s yer ma!” A quaint Irish expression for making fun of yer parents is my guess. I have to ask my sis in law Julie, since she sez it all of time.

BUT Andrew wasn’t done yet! Martin and I were chatting out side about the freakin new taddy eggs just laid, even with chlorine in the pool! Damn frogs! While I LOVE them, I want my pool to not be green anymore! I was trying to figure out how to get them out before they were tadpoles so we can keep adding chlorine, but we didn't get them all in time, so we have a new round of 1,000's of tadpoles again. *sigh of defeat* We then go inside after we realized we lost yet another battle with our froggie friends, plus it was hot and humid AND Martin's nap time. Sunday wiped him out after the psychic party.

A few minutes later Martin ends up coming out of the bedroom LHAO! He had tears rolling down his face from laughin so hard! Hey! I want in! He was in the bathroom so he was NOT thinking of Andrew by any means. As Martin was taking his quartz crystal necklace off, that has some of Andrew’s ashes in it, he hears, “Noooooooooo!” Martin then really tunes in to see what that was all about, and hears “Linear probe has been removed! I repeat! Linear probe has been removed! Houstous we have a problem!” (Muck didn’t know, when he was younger, that it was actually Houston lol)

Martin then sees Andrew at this control panel all frantic Like Artie, and all these computer screens going blank because Martin removed his crystal. Martin said it looked like a scene from Warehouse 13. Martin was wearing an artifact that kept him in touch with Andrew and now he was taking it off and all hell was breaking lose back at the "warehouse!" LMAO! My son knows how to keep us laughing! BUT he's still getting a smack when I see him again.

Just your average day at the Jordan household! :-D


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Back To School.....AGAIN!

We had a psychic party on Sunday and as we are getting ready, Martin is telling me how Andrew will be running around in his camo shorts and a t-shirt with different sayings on them. Martin is talking so nonchalantly about it. I guess he sees this all of the time. So yesterday Andrew had on a new t-shirt. I was thinking it was going to be like some really profound, Avatar sayings on his t-shirts that maybe we can market, right? WRONG! Sunday's t-shirt said “WHO’S YOUR DADDY?” with a picture of Martin underneath it! ROFLMAO! The things Muck does to keep us laughing and happy! He still is and will ALWAYS be our Mucker

Martin and I were coming home from the psychic party Sunday night. We talked about many things, but among the topics was how Andrew comes through in readings or who he sends in if it’s not his field of expertise. Plus he likes introducing Martin to some of his friends on the Other Side. Andrew is always creative with the information he gives Martin, as we have seen over the past nearly 2 yrs. *sigh*

Martin said during one reading it was getting difficult. He was being taken to a place he didn’t want to go. He was smelling things that he just knew weren’t a fun place to be. Andrew saw Martin struggling with it and Andrew jumps into Martin’s body! He started doing that earlier in the year. Martin said he then started smelling Andrew’s after shave and he was feeling much better. What does Andrew say?? “Your welcome Daddy! Love the skin I’m in!” ROFLMAO!

So as Martin and I continue with our conversations in the car, we had an hour drive, we discuss how we have NEVER seen anyone walk their talk, practice what they taught, like Andrew did! NO ONE! BAR NONE! Martin went on a wee bit of a rant about how just ONCE he would like to see someone walk their talk before he leaves this planet. Just ONCE!

As he continues on with his wee rant, I hear Andrew. So when Martin pauses to take a breath finally. I say, “You have!"…*pregnant pause for effect*… "US!” I proceed to tell him that Andrew was telling me that WE have been walking our talk, WE have practiced what we taught going through emmence trauma and grief. I got a bit teary eyed as I was feeling Andrew but I had to stay focused on the road. Then I went on to tell him, “Especially YOU!”

Martin was silent as he let those words sink in. Martin and I felt the truth Andrew was saying. He realized Andrew was right… duh! When is he not, especially now! Taken to school yet again!

So what is the lesson here kiddies? Quit looking outside of yourself and look within, it’s ALL there! A whole magnificent Universe of knowledge lies within us ALL! Ponder that!


Monday, September 14, 2009

Peepin Elves?

Apparently so! Tammy and Cassie were in Andrew’s room goofing around. Well, Tammy was trying to go to sleep and Cassie wasn’t having any of it. SO as they were in there laughing and carrying on, I hear them get a little freaked out.

They come out of the room and ask where Martin was because they thought he was outside of Andrew’s bedroom window trying to scare them. I said “Nope, he’s in the office doing an $80 special reading.” *insert commercial here* Then they asked where Daniel was. Told them he was in the office too. They went into the office to check and sho enuf, there was Daniel at Andrew’s computer.

Then Tammy & Cassie ran outside to see if they could see anyone because they said they definitely heard someone at the window. Well, Tammy just demonstrated it and it scared the piss outta me! That was no wind blowing! Someone definitely ran their hands down the window! :-o So the Elves were making their presence known to someone other than Daniel and Martin.

Now you might think it was some neighborhood kids, not with the average age of the neighborhood being 70! We don’t have kids that roam the street at night, well not since Andrew quit walking Wes home after midnite anyway. :-(

SO our Elvin buddies are making themselves more known. Looking forward to hearing more from them. So Stay Tuned!



Tammy put her blanket that we took to the beach last week out side draped on 2 chairs. Daniel noticed today that it looked like 2 people had sat in them. Sure enough when we went to look at them that’s exactly what it looked like! No one’s been out there sitting except Martin & he has his chair. It looks like the handy work of a couple of Elves IMHO!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Our Elvin Friends Part 3

I don't know the French for 3. ;-)

Just got some more details from Martin on what the Elves looked liked.

They are about 5′10″, they had a mist around their feet. They were wearing a long black coat that was baggie & wraps around but with distinct long sleeves w/cuffs. They had rings on on their fingers, black boots that cuff over the knee, skin tight material on their legs that were gray, ummm sounds like tights to me! Long braided silver hair, each having a different celtic knot type braid. Martin said he didn’t know if the knots represented a title or a tribe. One had a staff w/a little light on top of it, the other had a wand. Martin didn’t see the details of the wand. They had face markings around their eyes but he couldn’t see the exact details. Martin said they were pretty, but serious…pretty serious.

Martin said they travel with their own weather. Well they must because that sure as heck ain’t Florida summer weather clothing they were wearing! I had a hot flash just typing what they were wearing!

Martin said today that last night the Elves were picking fruit off the tree in the neighbor’s yard behind us. Hahaha If they only knew what was really going on in our yards! :-D Martin said there was a HUGE owl there as well. I said what was the owl doing? Martin’s reply? “Licking a tootsie pop.” “AND the Elves were asking the owl how many licks does it take to get the the tootsie roll.” LMAO! I’m still waiting for the real answer, so stay tuned! ;-)



After we came back from a Light The Night meeting, Merlin, my co-dependent wiener dog, was barking like crazy out the front window while wagging his tail. He was so adamant that something was out there, I looked, didn’t see anything. Then I got the hit that maybe it was the Elves. I asked Martin about them being in the front yard & he said they walk the whole perimeter of our yard and there is 3 of them now out there tonight. Must find out more about that! Stay tuned!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Here’s some more of the Elvin experience.

Martin was chatting w/Andrew the next day after the Elf incident and was asking him what the Elves names were.
Andrew: Why does it matter? DEUX
Martin: Just tell me their names! as he tried pulling the Daddy Card, which has no clout over there! hahahaha
Andrew: it really doesn’t matter Daddy
Martin: I know it doesn’t, but I would like to know, just tell me!
Andrew: OK…… Cheech and Chong :-D

As Martin was going to insist some more that Andrew tell him their names, Martin audibly hears Peter Gabriel’s song, Salsbury Hill. It was one of the songs I played when we got to take Andrew home from the hospital for 6 days. If you remember, I played that and Daughtry’s song “I’m Coming Home” on a boom box while walking down the hospital hall. Yea, I’m a dork. But we know that already, so Martin checks his computer, it wasn’t playing there. Looks over at Daniel, wasn’t playing there. He turns his attention back to Andrew and Andrew was dancing to the song. He had a sword (always loved his swords) & was in a field dancing around but had a martial arts feel to it, having a good time.

Martin then spent the next hour just talking father/son talk with Andrew like they use to do here. So I guess Martin won’t be getting the Elves names until he remembers them since he does know them, he just doesn’t remember them here, he has a relationship w/them on the Other Side.
It keeps life interesting that is fo sho! ;-)


Friday, September 11, 2009


Martin & Andrew's 13yo friend Daniel went out onto the patio late one night, actually early one is morning, around 1a.m. Martin said it was cool out and I had to check for myself because I was like “cha right!” Merlin made a bolt for it too. Not even Martin’s Crocodile Dundee ox trick worked in stopping him. LOL Yes, he really did try.

Merlin immediately ran out and started barking like crazy like he was hunting squirrel…..or elf ;-) I told Martin to grab him quick so he could get Merlin inside. We couldn’t have that kind of barking at 1a.m. I thought it was odd since there weren’t any squirrels out. I went inside because I, “Menopause Woman”  did NOT find it cooler at all, it was muggy. I left Daniel and Martin to their own devices. Two males left on their own outside at 1a.m. You know something’s gonna happen! Especially when one of them sees beyond the 3rd dimension & the other is working on fine tuning his 3rd eye! Remember what happened when it was Martin and Andrew left to their own devices in the hospital?? :-o  Unless you have followed our journey fully, that last sentence made no sense. Lets just it involved 2 boys, (Martin and Andrew) an intestinal bleed, and uh, uh umm timing a certain Avatar's farts! YUP! I said it! Martin, paranormal overachiever AND metaphysical teacher AND an Avatar timing his farts! Don't even ask what happened to the "hat" Andrew had to use in the bathroom! There's no getting around the testosterone no matter how enlightened you are! LOL Boys love having fun w/their bodily functions! Well, at least this was higher dimensional debauchery w/Martin and Daniel! :-D

Martin noticed that the frogs had stopped croaking. Very weird since it’s a frog orgy here every night! Well, with a broken pool pump, it’s bound to happen. The new batch of tadpoles were eaten by the the last batch that’s almost grown. That ain’t right! Since we haven’t been able to get our pool pumped fixed, least of our concerns at the mo, I have enjoyed watching the frogs grow & leave the “nest.”

Anyhoo Martin was 'pulled' to walk over to another part of the screened in patio. He knew there was strong energy in that corner. As he’s standing there tuning into it, he feels a tap on his shoulder. He felt another presence and that’s when he felt a shaking of his shoulder like an old friend would do when you haven’t seen them in a long time. The frogs started again. Daniel was talking, he got the hit that the frogs wanted him to be quiet so he stopped talking, the frogs got quiet again. I have blogged before how the frogs let us know what they want.

Martin then says, for Daniel’s benefit because he is so easy ;-) “Spirits of the Night, show yourself!” He got the impression of 2 Elves, Lord of The Rings kind of Elves, not the short, faery tale ones, you know, the tall, REAL ones. ;-) Martin then saw and heard them walking around the outside of the patio screen. Martin heard the twigs snapping & leaves rustle where they walked. Daniel heard the sounds of them walking too. He asked them what they were doing here. When Martin asked them this, he felt Andrew’s energy too. Andrew let Martin know that he came with them. The Elves replied, “We are here balancing the energy of your house and yard for you.”

Since we have more people in the house at the mo, the Elves decided to drop by and help us work the energy of our house. Martin does it all of the time anyway, but now with other people here and their energy as well, his Elven buds decided to step in and help. We all could use a little help from our friends! :-D Especially those on the Higher dimensions & the Elvin variety!

Martin thanked them, and he’d see them around…soon. Yea, when Martin told me that he saw 2 Elves out the back that came to see him, I got a little scared. Like, were they here to take him? Oh hell no! He goes, I go! I then asked w/a big grin “Are they here for me?” *please say yes!please say yes!* Yea, like an Elf is gonna come for a Wise One! hahahahahahaha Not happening! Oh well, so we are both here for the time being with a little help from our Elvin friends keeping it cool! :-D


Thursday, September 10, 2009


Here is a blurb you can use to spread the word to your emails lists about Int'l IT'S ALL GOOD DAY! Word is spreading around the globe! Be a part of it! You'll be glad you did!

Oct 22, 2009 is the 2nd annual International IT’S ALL GOOD DAY in honor of Andrew Jordan and his 2nd anniversary of his journey Home. This is also in honor of his amazing positive attitude and love of life and the inspiration he has always been and continues to be from the Other Side.

Andrew was diagnosed July 11, 2007 with AML Leukemia at 16yo. During his nearly 4 months at All Children’s Hospital, he kept his positive attitude of “IT’S ALL GOOD!” Even when he would get a needle of chemo shot into his spine a few times a week and all the other evasive leukemia treatments he received, he kept his attitude & saying of IT’S ALL GOOD.

If a 16yo young man could keep his positive attitude during a time like this, than so can we for at least one day!

Andrew knew he was an Avatar (i.e. Bringer of Light, Master teacher) while he was here, and led his life as one teaching and inspiring those who were lucky enough to know him & call him friend. He continues to touch, teach and inspire people all over the world from the Other Side.

So, on Oct 22, 2009, make it a day to consciously be positive no matter what. Smile at a stranger, hold the door open for someone, let someone in, in traffic. Every chance you get, say “IT’S ALL GOOD!”

Remember that you will be joined with many people around the world celebrating Andrew’s life and Int’l IT’S ALL GOOD DAY! Let’s get this planet’s vibration a rising! The life you change just may be your own!

Because people were asking, we do have t-shirts available on cafe press. Just go to and click on the shopping button and you'll see cafe press.



good old golden rule days.....(seriously?? who wrote that song??)

Martin had an interesting reading the other day. During the reading, Alister Crowley came through for his client. Alister is a famous Witch from the early 20th century for those that may not know. What was interesting about that is, Alister has been coming to Martin and Martin has been kinda ignoring him like “Really? What could you possibly want with me? Hellooo have an Avatar son here!" :-) Well there actually.

Martin said during the reading that Alister said how he got way too caught up in his own ego, that's putting it mildly! His favorite deity? Himself! LOL He remembers the day he was stripped of all his powers. He said he is now helping those that aren’t coming from ego with working & studying magick on Earth. Hence the Elves in our yard. (you'll be hearing about them soon) Alister is a part of the reason. He is sharing info with different people giving them each a piece of the puzzle. As Martin has always believed & Alister came to realize, “absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

The closer a spirit is to the time they were here on Earth, the more they remember about how it was here on this dimension, and they still remember the ego. So Martin decides to ask Andrew, “Well what about you and your ego Muck?” (Andrew's nickname, see previous post for explanation) since there was this conversation between Martin, Muck and Alsiter about ego. I was like “Seriously? Muck? Ego? Like he was ever ego based! He was so evolved here…duh!” Next thing Martin knew Whoooosh! then BAM! Martin was sitting at a small school desk in his wee Irish school clothes, a white shirt, gray shorts, white socks and sandals that he wore when he was a kid. He had his hands nicely folded on his wee desk. :-)

Martin looks up and there’s Andrew at the black board with a pointer stick. He just took Martin to school about ego! ROFLMAO! That’s my boy! AND this wasn’t even the first time Andrew has taken Martin to school! He did it here too! You’d think Martin would learn! Oh yea, he’s Elemental, they prefer the long, bumpy road to knowledge. :-D



hehehehe :-D read on....

Actually Andrew has been pullin on my left ear lately. It’s his new way of giving me a hug. I guess he likes to shake it up now. Feeling him touching my crown & 3rd eye chakra is more for when he is doing energy work on me. Tugging my ear is more a “Hey! I’m here Pretty Mama!” It’s a pretty cool feeling. He doesn’t tug on my ear lobe, but on the middle part of my ear. I will feel it when I am really missing him or thinking about him…so ALL of the time!

He will also pull my on pinky finger. See? I do have a pull my finger reference! It doesn’t happen too often, but it does happen occationally. Again, a cool feeling to feel this wee tug on my pinky. I think it’s Muck’s (Muck, Mucker; Andrew nickname, an Irish term of endearment for best mate) way of playing w/me.

While it doesn’t come close to replacing his hugs and kisses while he was here, it most certainly is better than nothing! It’s a nice reminder to not get too caught up in the 3rd dimension, that there is so much more than this! AND I’m looking forward to it!



Martin was dong a reading the other night with a very intelligent, business woman who was calling about family/relationship issues. While Martin knew what the issue was, he had to let her come to her own conclusion.

Being a good intuitive life coach as well as a medium, Martin was leading the conversation so she could come to her own conclusion, Andrew was there as always having fun w/Martin helping him out BUT making him work for it. For instance, Andrew was writing very slowly on a black board. Martin was trying to read it, when Andrew almost got to the end, Martin realized he was writing DEADBEAT, in regards to the man in the relationship, which is typical for most relationship readings.

Because of the nature of the subject matter, Andrew told Martin “TMI Daddy I’m outta here” & he sent in another Guide who said his name was George, a friend of Andrew’s. Martin said he had long straggly hair, very wise looking face, very calming energy. He had knowledge about this situation that Andrew was not comfortable talking about. Martin was more focused on the info George had than who he was at the moment or why Andrew had him come in.

Once the information was given, Martin noticed something familiar about him & asked Andrew who he was when he came back. Andrew said “George Harrison Daddy.” Martin told Andrew "Well, he looked like Jesus." Andrew then said “Well Daddy...he is... My Sweet Lord!” and started giggling & headed off humming the guitar solo from the song! OMG! Too funny! Martin asked him what was his giddy mood all about. Andrew said it was a sign of things to come! Well, I’m ready Muck! I’m ready for some fun & exciting times already! Goodness knows I’ve earned it!

For those that may not have followed us the entire time, Andrew has strong ties to John Denver absolutely ADORED him here. Then he was introduced accidentally to John Lennon when he got in the hospital. Andrew's girl friend had sent him the John Denver gold record Annie's Song. It comes with a gold record and a picture of the artist. It even said John Dnever on the receipt. When we opened it, it was John Lennon & the "Imagine" gold record. He got to meet both of them after he crossed. Andrew LOVED the Beatles while here but was not familiar with their separate careers until he was at All Children’s Hospital. And now he’s friends with George Harrison too!? Very Cool! AND why am I still here??? Andrew’s having a helluva lot more fun than I am! Why does he get to have all the fun! Soooooo NOT FAIR! He better start sharing the wealth of fun soon or he’s gettin an even bigger smack when I get over there!


The Beginning

First let me introduce myself. My name is Connie but Pretty Mama is what my son always calls me. You will see below why the 22 after it. I am an author of the book "So, These Two Guys Walked Into A Bar..." "My Life In The Paranormal. Once Comic's Perspective." Which leads me to my other career, I'm a metaphysical comedian, which means, my husband sees dead people and I make fun of them.

I have been an avid blogger for a few years now. I became a serious one when my 16yo son, Andrew, was diagnosed with leukemia on July 11, 2007. We spent the next 4 months at All Children's Hospital. I blogged our journey with him so people around the world would know how he was doing. Martin, my husband and medium extraordinaire, and I worked for Doreen Virtue for a few years so we got to know a lot people from around the world. Myself being pretty active on her Angel Therapy Board, people not only wanted to know how Andrew was doing but also lend their love and support.

What does any of this have to do with my life with a medium? Because my beautiful son Andrew made his journey Home Oct 22, 2007, and since Martin is a medium extraordinaire, we have never lost contact with our son. Right from the moment he was standing next to his body, smiling that big smile of his and waving at my husband on the night of Oct 22, 2007. While we had to say good bye to the beautiful physical presence of our son, we said hello to a new relationship with our Avatar son, PureHeart, the name given to him when he crossed. Well, the actual name he was given was Glan Croi which is Gaelic for Pure Heart.

Andrew knew he was an Avatar while he was here. An Avatar is a Master Teacher, Bringer of Light. Our friend Jeremy told Martin that Andrew was an Avatar over 3yrs ago. Andrew told me while in the PICU his first week at All Children's Hospital, that he knew he was an Avatar.

All of this has been blogged on our website,, so if you want to read more about our journey early on, you can go there and click on "blog." On here I will be blogging our continued journey with Andrew and the craziness that goes on when you have a husband that spends a lot of time in the higher dimensions with non physical beings while living in God's Waiting Room aka Sarasota Fl. It does get hard for Martin to tell which people are old and which have crossed, they look so much alike apparently. So yea, it can get freaky deeky if you aren't into the metaphysical but let your imagination open to the endless possibilities! It not only lends for an interesting life, but also lends for a lot of jokes for my metaphysical comedy act! Until next time...