Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Andrew has always tried to keep the humor up during our journey through grief. Andrew is forever trying to lighten us up, even if we aren’t in a sad mood. He knows how much Martin and I love to laugh and tries to make us laugh at every turn. Even though 10/22/2007 was the most devastating day of our lives, we also see the power in it. We see the power of Andrew’s journey Home, we see the power of the date he left here. Whenever I see the time 10:22 I think of Andrew, not really the devastation, but of him, and who he is now. I feel a connection to him, like he is saying hi to me. I know, it’s weird, but that is how we roll. When we see that time, day or night, we take a moment to connect to our Muck.

So this morning Martin was walking from the living room to the hallway when he feels Andrew behind him and hears Andrew say, “Daddy look at what time it is.” Martin looks at the time and it’s 10:22am. Then Martin hears, “BOOYAH!” And he sees Andrew laughing. Martin then tells me and then the 3 of us are laughing. It was a nice way start to our day.



Of course as we were out and about today Martin shares yet another “Muck story” with me while I’m driving. Why does he wait till I'm driving to share these stories with me!? I’m driving while trying to make mental notes of words to help anchor the story in my mind so I can blog it later. So here it goes..

Martin said this morning he sees Andrew and he’s got a cell phone making a call. As Martin is looking at him, Andrew shows him the cell phone like, “umm pick up Daddy!” SO then Martin has to visualize having his cell phone and when he does, lo and behold! It’s ringing! Martin answers it “Hello?” he hears, “Hi Daddy! How’s it going?” Martin replies, “Awesome! How are you doing?” Andrew, “I’m always Awesome!” Then grins his big grin. Martin was still trying to figure out what this was all about. Why call him on a cell phone even though they can see each other.

Martin then asks Andrew “what do you need?” He says, “Daddy, do you know why they measure small distances by length and bigger distances by time?” Andrew knew that this question would send Martin off on a journey and of course it did. Any kind of question like that sends Martin on a journey of the endless possibilities. I asked Martin if Andrew had some friends sitting around and says, "watch this!" and shows them how easy his father is to send off on a journey. Martin, “yea, he probably did!” We got a chuckle outta that one because Martin is so easy! He's outta body more than in it.

When Martin was finally done pondering that question, he said “So what’s the reason for the question Muck?” Muck’s reply, “Gotta go Daddy, bye” and Andrew clicks his cell like he had someone on the other line.

Ahhhh ya gotta love father and son time!



Martin was doing a past life regression with a client recently and there’s always interesting information that comes forth from that, and not always just for the client. Martin asked this client what gift did they get from the person they trusted in that particular life time. The gift was an apple. They asked Martin what the significance of the apple was. Martin went to Andrew for the answer. When an answer matters, you go to the top! Martin taps into Andrew’s energy and there Andrew is in an old school room tapping a desk with a wooden ruler and asked Martin to sit down. A lesson was about to ensue yet again. He was taking Martin back to school as well.

First, Martin has an issue with wooden rulers from his young school days in N. Ireland with the old nasty, bitter priests and nuns that he had as teachers. These nuns and priests were pretty abusive back in the 1960’s and 70’s. And we all know what else went on. Seriously?! Just let them marry already and leave the children alone! So Andrew was helping Martin heal that part of his childhood during this session. Some how just by seeing the ruler helped Martin move through the pain of those experiences. But sure, Martin has been on the fast track to healing for quite some time now.

Next Martin asks Andrew about the apple and what it meant. Andrew took Martin to the Garden Of Eden, which is just a reference, not necessarily a real place, and asked Martin what the apple represented in the story. So Martin asked his client that question, to which they replied, “temptation.” ANNNNND the survey said, WRONG! When Martin was telling me this story, I answered TRUTH! I was closer. Ha ha I win! Andrew replied, “No, the taking of the apple was the temptation, the apple itself represents knowledge.” After all the apple did come from the tree of knowledge.

This person that was in this client’s past life, is also in their current life as their spouse, and they admitted that they knew their spouse has information, knowledge if you will, for them about their life purpose this lifetime.

What I found interesting about this story is that most people do believe that the apple represents temptation when in fact it represents knowledge. And as many of us have found out as we got older, many religions do not like people having knowledge, for knowledge is power and you can’t control people that are standing in their power! I’m just sayin...



I have mentioned before how Andrew and Martin work together doing commercial readings and how Andrew adds comic relief when the readings get to be too much about loser relationships. You know the ones, like the ones that start off with, “Hi I met this guy on the internet…” or “I haven’t talked to this guy in 2 years since he told me to stop stalking him, BUT he’s my soul mate…” and on and on, you get the idea. You can see how it can suck the life and soul out of you doing these kinds of readings, which is why Andrew adds the comic relief. It helps in not totally suckin the life out of Martin. Martin has been really busy since we came back from California Psychic’s home office in L.A. a few weeks ago. We’re thinking it’s the new pic they took of him that is helping. It’s a great picture.

On this particular night of readings, Andrew was also wearing different t-shirts, it was like he was having costume changes like Cher! He did love him some Cher. One of the t-shirts said “I LOVE Pretty Mama!” :-D Awwww how sweet! Martin’s favorite t-shirt that Andrew has worn is the “I AM” one. Another t-shirt he wore that night said “Life Is A Game…” Andrew’s quote and the title of our book, on the front of the t-shirt, and on the back Martin thought it would say “I Never Want To Stop Playing,” the rest of Andrew’s quote, but NO! It did not. This is how Martin knows he isn't making this stuff up, it didn't say what he thought the back of the t-shirt would say. Instead it just said, “Innit?” Innit, is an English expression for “isn’t it” our English brother in law, Tonski, says that a lot. Well, Martin laughed so hard at that one. It caught him off guard. It helped keep the night light.

It was getting late and past Martin’s usual quitting time of 1a.m. when Andrew says, “We’re done Daddy. The sun is almost coming up here anyway.” Martin asks, “Really?” Remember, Martin had been reading for about 7 hours straight. Then Andrew says laughing, “No Daddy, not really! Go to bed!” So Martin did.


Saturday, September 18, 2010


We were in Hollywood California in August, how happy was I? A. Very! I miss So-Cal! The weather, the mountains, the great hair days! Just love it! Yes the traffic sucks, but there's ways around that. Martin's job flew him out for a meet and greet and I tagged along. Airfare was cheap enough and I certainly wasn't going to miss a trip to So-Cal. Well that, and the fact I still cant trusted to be left home alone.

Martin's job invited 5 psychics out to have a round table discussion, readings for staff so they can refer clients, do a photo shoot, and make a video to promote themselves on the site. During one of the staff readings Martin was doing, their dog came through. Their dog didn't pass, but wanted to come through with messages for this staff member. It brought tears to their eyes to hear these messages from their dog.

Martin says to Andrew, "Seriously Muck, now dogs are coming through that haven't even crossed yet?" Andrew replied, " You wouldn't believe the talent that's over here Daddy!" Well, I laughed so hard when I heard that one! Martin and I still laugh when we talk about it. Andrew always has the perfect, funny answer. He missed his calling as a comedian! Well on this dimension he did anyway.


Friday, September 10, 2010


Martin spends A LOT of time with Andrew even beyond working together. They have many father/son moments. I don’t hear about all them because there are so many. As I have mentioned before, Martin usually tells me these stories when I am driving, and then I have to try and remember them when I get home to blog about them.

This is what happened yesterday. Apparently Andrew has taken up whittling. My Great Grand Father use to whittle whistles when he was young, well, that’s what he told me anyway. Then again he told me a lot of stuff that wasn’t true, like he use to be an Indian Chief and my Great Grand Mother, from Ireland mind you, was an Indian Squaw. He also had no teeth because he gave them to the China man, you know, like you do. I loved my Poppy’s stories!

Anyway, Martin and I were out and about when he tells me that yesterday morning he and Andrew were spending some quality father/son time together. They were whittling away at some wood…wait that don’t sound right! They had some wood they were whittling, ok, not any better. They each had a block of wood they were whittling, a little better, but not much. Martin looks at Andrew whittling away and Andrew is on fast forward like a cartoon, his hands moving as fast as lightening. His block of wood is a tooth pick in seconds. Andrew was rather proud of it, he was like “taa daa!” Martin said “A tooth pick? Really?” Martin was like, “seriously dude, that’s all you could come up with being Mr Big Avatar and all?!” Andrew said, “Yea, but it was made by hand!”

I said something to Martin about Andrew making things and was shocked when Martin agreed and said he asked for the same thing! I thought I was going to get the usual “Mucker Woman, STOP!” like I usually do when I say things about how I want Andrew back. But not this time! We are on the same page?! Who knew? I’m usually the “grieving mother” whining about Andrew leaving, and Martin’s the "snap out of it" father.

Martin said he asked Andrew to put one of the things he makes on his dimension, on our dimension! Woo Hoo me and Marts on the same page regarding Andrew! Hells yea! *happy dance!* I mean, with what we know about quantum psychics, and our thoughts creating things, and so called “reality,” why the hell not make it happen! Martin and I are like, “C’mon Avatar Boy! Show us what you got!” SO we are waiting!