Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Andrew has always tried to keep the humor up during our journey through grief. Andrew is forever trying to lighten us up, even if we aren’t in a sad mood. He knows how much Martin and I love to laugh and tries to make us laugh at every turn. Even though 10/22/2007 was the most devastating day of our lives, we also see the power in it. We see the power of Andrew’s journey Home, we see the power of the date he left here. Whenever I see the time 10:22 I think of Andrew, not really the devastation, but of him, and who he is now. I feel a connection to him, like he is saying hi to me. I know, it’s weird, but that is how we roll. When we see that time, day or night, we take a moment to connect to our Muck.

So this morning Martin was walking from the living room to the hallway when he feels Andrew behind him and hears Andrew say, “Daddy look at what time it is.” Martin looks at the time and it’s 10:22am. Then Martin hears, “BOOYAH!” And he sees Andrew laughing. Martin then tells me and then the 3 of us are laughing. It was a nice way start to our day.



Of course as we were out and about today Martin shares yet another “Muck story” with me while I’m driving. Why does he wait till I'm driving to share these stories with me!? I’m driving while trying to make mental notes of words to help anchor the story in my mind so I can blog it later. So here it goes..

Martin said this morning he sees Andrew and he’s got a cell phone making a call. As Martin is looking at him, Andrew shows him the cell phone like, “umm pick up Daddy!” SO then Martin has to visualize having his cell phone and when he does, lo and behold! It’s ringing! Martin answers it “Hello?” he hears, “Hi Daddy! How’s it going?” Martin replies, “Awesome! How are you doing?” Andrew, “I’m always Awesome!” Then grins his big grin. Martin was still trying to figure out what this was all about. Why call him on a cell phone even though they can see each other.

Martin then asks Andrew “what do you need?” He says, “Daddy, do you know why they measure small distances by length and bigger distances by time?” Andrew knew that this question would send Martin off on a journey and of course it did. Any kind of question like that sends Martin on a journey of the endless possibilities. I asked Martin if Andrew had some friends sitting around and says, "watch this!" and shows them how easy his father is to send off on a journey. Martin, “yea, he probably did!” We got a chuckle outta that one because Martin is so easy! He's outta body more than in it.

When Martin was finally done pondering that question, he said “So what’s the reason for the question Muck?” Muck’s reply, “Gotta go Daddy, bye” and Andrew clicks his cell like he had someone on the other line.

Ahhhh ya gotta love father and son time!



Martin was doing a past life regression with a client recently and there’s always interesting information that comes forth from that, and not always just for the client. Martin asked this client what gift did they get from the person they trusted in that particular life time. The gift was an apple. They asked Martin what the significance of the apple was. Martin went to Andrew for the answer. When an answer matters, you go to the top! Martin taps into Andrew’s energy and there Andrew is in an old school room tapping a desk with a wooden ruler and asked Martin to sit down. A lesson was about to ensue yet again. He was taking Martin back to school as well.

First, Martin has an issue with wooden rulers from his young school days in N. Ireland with the old nasty, bitter priests and nuns that he had as teachers. These nuns and priests were pretty abusive back in the 1960’s and 70’s. And we all know what else went on. Seriously?! Just let them marry already and leave the children alone! So Andrew was helping Martin heal that part of his childhood during this session. Some how just by seeing the ruler helped Martin move through the pain of those experiences. But sure, Martin has been on the fast track to healing for quite some time now.

Next Martin asks Andrew about the apple and what it meant. Andrew took Martin to the Garden Of Eden, which is just a reference, not necessarily a real place, and asked Martin what the apple represented in the story. So Martin asked his client that question, to which they replied, “temptation.” ANNNNND the survey said, WRONG! When Martin was telling me this story, I answered TRUTH! I was closer. Ha ha I win! Andrew replied, “No, the taking of the apple was the temptation, the apple itself represents knowledge.” After all the apple did come from the tree of knowledge.

This person that was in this client’s past life, is also in their current life as their spouse, and they admitted that they knew their spouse has information, knowledge if you will, for them about their life purpose this lifetime.

What I found interesting about this story is that most people do believe that the apple represents temptation when in fact it represents knowledge. And as many of us have found out as we got older, many religions do not like people having knowledge, for knowledge is power and you can’t control people that are standing in their power! I’m just sayin...



I have mentioned before how Andrew and Martin work together doing commercial readings and how Andrew adds comic relief when the readings get to be too much about loser relationships. You know the ones, like the ones that start off with, “Hi I met this guy on the internet…” or “I haven’t talked to this guy in 2 years since he told me to stop stalking him, BUT he’s my soul mate…” and on and on, you get the idea. You can see how it can suck the life and soul out of you doing these kinds of readings, which is why Andrew adds the comic relief. It helps in not totally suckin the life out of Martin. Martin has been really busy since we came back from California Psychic’s home office in L.A. a few weeks ago. We’re thinking it’s the new pic they took of him that is helping. It’s a great picture.

On this particular night of readings, Andrew was also wearing different t-shirts, it was like he was having costume changes like Cher! He did love him some Cher. One of the t-shirts said “I LOVE Pretty Mama!” :-D Awwww how sweet! Martin’s favorite t-shirt that Andrew has worn is the “I AM” one. Another t-shirt he wore that night said “Life Is A Game…” Andrew’s quote and the title of our book, on the front of the t-shirt, and on the back Martin thought it would say “I Never Want To Stop Playing,” the rest of Andrew’s quote, but NO! It did not. This is how Martin knows he isn't making this stuff up, it didn't say what he thought the back of the t-shirt would say. Instead it just said, “Innit?” Innit, is an English expression for “isn’t it” our English brother in law, Tonski, says that a lot. Well, Martin laughed so hard at that one. It caught him off guard. It helped keep the night light.

It was getting late and past Martin’s usual quitting time of 1a.m. when Andrew says, “We’re done Daddy. The sun is almost coming up here anyway.” Martin asks, “Really?” Remember, Martin had been reading for about 7 hours straight. Then Andrew says laughing, “No Daddy, not really! Go to bed!” So Martin did.


Saturday, September 18, 2010


We were in Hollywood California in August, how happy was I? A. Very! I miss So-Cal! The weather, the mountains, the great hair days! Just love it! Yes the traffic sucks, but there's ways around that. Martin's job flew him out for a meet and greet and I tagged along. Airfare was cheap enough and I certainly wasn't going to miss a trip to So-Cal. Well that, and the fact I still cant trusted to be left home alone.

Martin's job invited 5 psychics out to have a round table discussion, readings for staff so they can refer clients, do a photo shoot, and make a video to promote themselves on the site. During one of the staff readings Martin was doing, their dog came through. Their dog didn't pass, but wanted to come through with messages for this staff member. It brought tears to their eyes to hear these messages from their dog.

Martin says to Andrew, "Seriously Muck, now dogs are coming through that haven't even crossed yet?" Andrew replied, " You wouldn't believe the talent that's over here Daddy!" Well, I laughed so hard when I heard that one! Martin and I still laugh when we talk about it. Andrew always has the perfect, funny answer. He missed his calling as a comedian! Well on this dimension he did anyway.


Friday, September 10, 2010


Martin spends A LOT of time with Andrew even beyond working together. They have many father/son moments. I don’t hear about all them because there are so many. As I have mentioned before, Martin usually tells me these stories when I am driving, and then I have to try and remember them when I get home to blog about them.

This is what happened yesterday. Apparently Andrew has taken up whittling. My Great Grand Father use to whittle whistles when he was young, well, that’s what he told me anyway. Then again he told me a lot of stuff that wasn’t true, like he use to be an Indian Chief and my Great Grand Mother, from Ireland mind you, was an Indian Squaw. He also had no teeth because he gave them to the China man, you know, like you do. I loved my Poppy’s stories!

Anyway, Martin and I were out and about when he tells me that yesterday morning he and Andrew were spending some quality father/son time together. They were whittling away at some wood…wait that don’t sound right! They had some wood they were whittling, ok, not any better. They each had a block of wood they were whittling, a little better, but not much. Martin looks at Andrew whittling away and Andrew is on fast forward like a cartoon, his hands moving as fast as lightening. His block of wood is a tooth pick in seconds. Andrew was rather proud of it, he was like “taa daa!” Martin said “A tooth pick? Really?” Martin was like, “seriously dude, that’s all you could come up with being Mr Big Avatar and all?!” Andrew said, “Yea, but it was made by hand!”

I said something to Martin about Andrew making things and was shocked when Martin agreed and said he asked for the same thing! I thought I was going to get the usual “Mucker Woman, STOP!” like I usually do when I say things about how I want Andrew back. But not this time! We are on the same page?! Who knew? I’m usually the “grieving mother” whining about Andrew leaving, and Martin’s the "snap out of it" father.

Martin said he asked Andrew to put one of the things he makes on his dimension, on our dimension! Woo Hoo me and Marts on the same page regarding Andrew! Hells yea! *happy dance!* I mean, with what we know about quantum psychics, and our thoughts creating things, and so called “reality,” why the hell not make it happen! Martin and I are like, “C’mon Avatar Boy! Show us what you got!” SO we are waiting!


Thursday, May 13, 2010


On Andrew's birthday Martin did a his own set on the break at the Irish Rover. He did 3 songs from his and Andrew's music cd. As Martin was singing the songs Andrew gave him, I closed my eyes so I could see Andrew up there playing beside his Dad, because I just knew that's what was really going on up there on stage. I closed my eyes and just let the images float into my mind's eye. Andrew had his usual camo shorts, black shirt, no matter how much I tried to see him in something else, it was that outfit I kept seeing him in. He also had his green Guild guitar from John Denver. Andrew was up there rocking out right at his Dad's side. It felt good to "see" my 2 men, my 2 peas in a pod, rockin out together.

After we got home Martin told me how Andrew was up there playing with him. I told him that I knew that, I saw that too. But he got to experience more! While Martin was up there playin with Andrew, he heard Andrew harmonizing with him. He said Andrew's voice is so incredible. I know that his voice was incredible when he was here but I guess it is even more so now. Martin said it was an amazing experience to be up there not only playin with Andrew but also hearing him sing with him. Wish I could've heard that! Another goal to work on. *sigh*

It was yet another good birthday celebration for our Muck since he left this plane.



A friend of ours, Tom, that we met through the Irish Rover needed some computer help today. He got some sort of computer worm and lost his data. That was one thing Martin was pretty good at in his pre-medium career as a computer gee..I mean technician. I didn't even think about our friend's business when I dropped Martin off until Martin told me what happened when I saw him later. Then I was like "duh!" What business is Tom in? He owns 3 FUNeral homes. They can be like a hospital or courthouse, a haven for spirits a nightmare for mediums. Surprisingly enough there wasn't a bunch of spirits hanging around the place. Tom doesn't use this particular facility for viewings. BUT there was one that showed up.

Martin heard someone ask him what he was doing and when he looked around no one was there. That's when he "tuned in" and saw a tall, older, nice looking gentleman in a janitor/mechanic type uniform. Martin asked who he was and he said his name was Jimbo. Jimbo told Martin that he saw him walking in, meaning Jimbo saw the beam of light that mediums tend to emit that let spirits know they can be seen and or heard, so he decided to come by for a chat. Jimbo is from the 1930's.

I actually learned something from Jimbo. Martin asked him if had seen the Light. Jimbo said, "Yes, been there done that. Met AA Michael and Jesus." He continued, "I like hanging around on this dimension. It makes me happy." The general rule of thumb for spirits on this dimension is that they are supposedly "stuck," unable to move on. Apparently that is not the case. Who knew? Jimbo knew. I found that lil ditty of info interesting.

Jimbo took Martin on a little tour of the facility showing him where the kitchen was and the bathroom but not the "work room." Jimbo continued to chat with Martin while Martin looked at Tom's computer. Martin was careful not to answer out loud as not to scare Tom's secretary. People tend to think you're crazy when you start talking to what appears to be thin air. :-D When Martin went outside to talk with Tom and his son about the computer, Jimbo stayed inside for whatever reason so there was no formal goodbye, but Jimbo did say before Martin walked out, "Nice boy you have there." That was cool! Yes, Martin did tell Tom about Jimbo, but Tom wasn't sure what to make of it.

Tom asked Martin,"How much do I owe you?" Martin heard Andrew say, "Tell him he owes you nothing Daddy." Martin asked Andrew, "Why? Are we going to need his services soon or something? Are you trying to tell me something?" Andrew couldn't stop laughing and said, "No, no no Daddy, my bad, just tell him he owes you nothing." So Martin did.

My life with a medium is interesting to say the least!


Tuesday, March 23, 2010


So I started on the floor last week at my new job at Olive Garden. I was so nervous about it but things went pretty well. It’s a long freakin day that is fo sho! I gots me some achie breakie feet action going on!

Andrew helped keep me straight, especially this one time. *at band camp* (American Pie fans will get that one. Man am I tired!) Anyway, I bring back some dirty dishes and go to put the bread basket (Jeezus these ppl love their bread at Olive Garden!) back with the others, when it goes flying off the shelf. I mean, it took me aback the way it went flying, like someone hit it off the shelf! I grab it off the floor and I as I do I feel Andrew’s energy, and I heard, “Mommy dishwasher!” DUH! I’m suppose to put it back by the dish washer! That coulda led to some sort of bread basket gate if someone had seen me put a used bread basket with the clean ones! It was then I realized it was Muck that smacked it off the shelf. It made me smile and know that my Muck was watching out for me where he can.

So as I leave the lunch shift and go home before my dinner shift, I’m walking to my car and my awareness goes back the bread basket “incident.” I then feel Andrew’s energy and “hear” him say, “How’d ya like the way I bitch slapped your bread basket Mommy!?” I’m LMAO as I’m walking to my car (it still makes me laugh thinking about it) and answer “Nice one Muck! Thanks!” He says, “I got your back Pretty Mama!” I had to remember he’s 18yo now & that’s something he’d say to me now if he was physically here. I was questioning whether it was him or not because of the bitch slap remark, but then I was reminded of his age in Earth years. ;-)

Now when I say “hear” it’s more like quick thoughts that come into my mind. How do I know it’s Andrew? Because of how I feel when it happens. Never a dull moment my nizzels! :-D



I’ve been meaning to write this post for nearly a week now but with the new job, it has been difficult. SO here it finally is.

When you have a child on the Other Side, you do learn a heck of a lot. Like when they say we are all one, therefore all connected, you really get to see it in action. People that you have never met you find you are connected to. It is pretty cool to witness. Would I prefer Andrew here instead? In a heartbeat! But since he no longer is, you have to look for the blessings and teachings in all this.

Martin had a client whose daughter had passed in a car crash when she was in her early 20’s about 5 years ago. Andrew showed up with her in this reading. They know each other and are actually working on a project together. They didn’t tell us what kind of project. Just because you are psychic, doesn’t mean you get ALL the answers like a lot of people believe! I know, bummer, but that just isn’t how things work! Welcome to Earth! :-D

Martin had this reading the day I had the message of “Ul b ok” on the license plate of the Ford Focus as I was going to work. (see previous post if you don’t know what I’m talking about.) Sometimes these signs just keep on giving and are just a set up for more teachings!

Martin found out that this client’s daughter passed in a car crash in what?? A FORD FOCUS! Coinkeedink? I think not! Not when it comes to Spirit! Oh but it doesn’t end there! Andrew was standing behind her and whispers in her ear what to say to Martin. What does she say? Something Martin can not repeat to his client, that is fo sho! This one was strictly for Martin’s ears…and my blog! ;-) Muck told her to say, F.O.R.D.= Found On Road Dead! Now you gotta understand, for those who have crossed it is NOT a tragedy, they are truly Home, they are where we spend most of our time. They see how our time here is so limited and “death” is just a continuation of what has always been.

Martin says to Andrew, “Dude, you just didn’t tell her to say that! I am NOT repeating that to her mother!” Although, her mother was very open and knows there is so much more than here. Her daughter has the same kind of energy as Andrew, they just got it when they were here. But there was no way Martin was repeating that one to her mother!

Andrew then peeks over her shoulder and says “Too soon Daddy?” Martin sez, “ya think?” Then Andrew and this girl start laughing. Glad they are having such a great time, us parents are STILL not amused and still trying to deal with losing our kids physical presence! But it’s good to know that our kids are having such a great time! Actually hearing stories like these really do make my day! I LOVE hearing what Andrew is doing and how he is working with and effecting other people…here and there. It’s pretty cool and it helps me to not get caught up in all the BS of this dimension, because no what matter happens here….


Monday, March 15, 2010


I started at the Olive Garden last week with training. I wasn’t going to look for a job when I gave my notice at my old job. But then Chris, who I worked with, had started at Olive Garden and strongly recommended that I apply. I did apply, not thinking I would get the job. I was interested in the job because of the intense training they give you, ( I need it after being out of the serving biz for over 21yrs) the great benefits and wonderful atmosphere. I figure this was the job that could help me with my focus and memory. Since everything that has happened, starting with Elatia first, then right into Andrew, my focus has been right out the window! But it’s time to start getting my focus and memory working again. It’s time.

Today I was in training, had a break for 2 hours, then had to go back and do a dinner service following a server. Needless to say I am overwhelmed by the training, but the up side is, is that so are the other trainees. I am not alone in that department! Between trying to learn the menu, the computer system, the drink menu, how to serve proper, carrying big trays, etc etc we are all a little freaked about going on the floor and US being followed tomorrow.

As I was on my way back to work tonight to follow a server, I was going over in my head what I thought I would need to know. Driving to work I was wondering if I would do a good enough job, hoping I could do a good enough job, when I “happen” to notice the license plate in front of me. I wasn’t purposely looking at plates or anything when I notice the license plate in front of me, I was too worried about how I was gonna do tonight. For whatever reason ;-) I notice this plate in front of me and it said “UL B OK” OMG! R U KIDDIN ME with this!? I was stunned! I had that feeling you get when you have a metaphysical or paranormal moment. I got light headed as I could feel Andrew so strongly with me! I called Martin to tell him. He asked, “You’re crying aren’t you?” “Yes I am!” I replied. I couldn’t help it, I could feel my son’s energy and it brought me to tears. Happy to feel his energy so strongly, sad that I couldn’t hug him, but mostly happy.

Then I told Martin how cool I thought it was to get such a perfect message like that from my wee son, the only down side was that it was on a Ford Focus. I’ve gotten messages on BMWs & other luxury cars. Martin said, “What have you been working on lately?” OMG again! FOCUS is what I’ve been working on! DUH! How perfect! It just solidified for me that Andrew was talking to me and letting me know that I will be ok with this job. He’s a good son still watching out and being there for his Pretty Mama! ;-)


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Walmart Outting w/Muck

AND not because of a zombie infestation either! LOL

I can’t stress enough how important it is to acknowledge the signs our transitioned loved ones send us. Don’t brush them off or try to explain it away. You’d be surprised how connected you will feel to them when you thank them for sending the sign. Why wouldn’t you want to feel good and connected to your TLO? SO the next time a TLO sends you a sign, no matter how small, say thank you and take a moment to feel them, see how powerful that really is!

Take today for instance, Martin and I go to Walmart so I can get some work clothes. As I was parking the car, Martin, noticed a license plate that had MAY 121. May 12th is Muck’s birthday, and 1 is his destiny number. We took that as a “hello, I’m with ya Mommy and Daddy!”

As we were walking around Walmart talking about the license plate being a way of Muck letting us know he was there, I was whining how I wanted Muck back, I wish it wasn’t just signs from him. (but grateful that I get them). As I was whining about wanting my son back in my arms, and not being a grandmother and probably won’t ever be, (oh yea, I can be a real joy sometimes!) Martin said “Look at that.” I look over at the baby bibs he was pointing at and there was a camouflage green bib just like Muck’s shorts, that said, “My daddy is my HERO!” I made Muck a sign while we were in the hospital that he was my hero. Martin and I both could feel Muck’s energy with us.

Again, it’s the little things as well we should acknowledge, mo matter how small. As Martin and I were walking down an aisle, 2 women were walking past us and one said she had to go get some Puffs tissues for her nose. Puff’s were Andrew favorite tissues while he was in the hospital. I thanked him for another “Hello!” It’s not about whether it’s really your TLO’s or not,(but it IS them!) it’s about how it makes us feel, and if it makes us feel closer to our TLO’s than why not?! In order to move through grief, you have to find those moments that make you feel good and look for them every chance you get.

For instance, the other day on my way to work, I noticed the mini cooper in front of me. They had an “Imagine” license that said “FAB 4 ME” I took it as a “Hello Mommy, I’m going to work with you today.” In case you don’t know, Imagine is Muck’s fav John Lennon song, and I think Muck was also reminding me that things are indeed fabulous for him. While I know it is, it’s us that it sucks for that he moved on from here, it’s a nice reminder that things are fab for him.

I think the song “I’LL BE THERE” by the Escape Club says it all.

over Mountains
over Trees
over Oceans
over Seas
across the desert
I’ll be there

in a whisper on the wind
on the smile of a new friend
just think of me
And I’ll be there

Don’t be afraid, oh my love
I’ll be watching you from above
And I’d give all the world tonight,
to be with you
Because I’m on your side,
And I still care
I may have died,
but I’ve gone nowhere

Just think of me,
And I’ll be there

On the edge of a waking dream
over Rivers
over Streams
through Wind and Rain
I’ll be there

Across the wide and open sky
thousands of miles I’d fly
to be with you
I’ll be there

Don’t be afraid, oh my love
I’ll be watching you from above
And I’d give all the world tonight,
to be with you
Because I’m on your side,
And I still care
I may have died,
but I’ve gone nowhere

Just think of me,
And I’ll be there

In the breath of a wind that sighs
oh, there’s no need to cry

Just think of me,
And I’ll be there

Enjoy your TLO’s! :-D


When you live a metaphysical life, it makes things a whole lot more interesting! We are NOT limited to religious dogma but open to all that the Universe offers on this dimension as well as other dimensions! I have to say it’s pretty darn cool because family that have moved on can still be a part of your every day life. All you have to do is be open to the endless possibilities! :-D

Martin and I usually spend Thursdays together. It’s his only full day off so we enjoy it by going out shopping and just hanging out together. Last Thursday I posted on my Face Book page that Andrew would be joining us out and adding laughter to our day like he usually does. Little did I know just how much laughter he would be adding!

Martin and I went to the mall to do a bit of shopping and boy does that feel good to do that again! Well, I can’t go to the mall and not go to Cosimos Italian restaurant! They have a great happy hour, great food, and a great bartender! SO after our wee bit of shopping that we had a lot of fun doing, we stop off at Cosimos. I didn’t think the fun could get any better, but yet it did!

As we were sitting at the bar chatting away, several transitioned family members show up. Martin’s cousin Kiern, who passed at 38yo 4 or 5 yrs ago, flies by on a Quidage broom, and says, “Well, that’s something you don’t see everyday, a Jordan sitting at the bar drinking water! Off to Quidage!” And off he flew on his Quidage broom! OMG! we LOAO because he was soooo right! A Jordan (Martin) only drinking water at a bar?? Unheard of! LOL But Kiern and Quidage?? Freakin hilarious! Maybe he flew on a Quidge broom because he knew we were Potter fans. Isn't he sweet. TLO's love to show you what they can do now being in the other side, well, our relatives love to anyway.

As we were sitting there, a song came on that I haven’t heard on a radio in probably 8 years! A song that our Uncle Christy sent me to give to his family after he passed, “I’ll Be There” by the Escape Club. It’s a beautiful song about what someone who crossed would say to their loved ones still here. SO we knew Christy was there with us too. That song is his calling card. It brought tears to my eyes because I remember the moment I knew he was sending me the song, and how much it meant to his family. The only time I have ever heard the song was when I was driving to the airport to pick up his daughter Christine from the airport, or when she and I were together at the beach or in the car together. It was so wild to hear that song while out after all these years. Uncle Christy was letting us know he was right there with us. He was another clown too!

Andrew took Martin’s attention away with a red kayak on a car that drove by. (you remember the whole red kayak story, right?) Martin saw it in the mirror at Cosimos. Then Andrew shows Martin a big ole sneaker on a car. Martin coulda sworn he saw it drive by too but because he saw how Andrew was acting, he knew that Andrew was just messing with him, yet he continued to look for a car with a big ole sneaker on it…just in case! LMAO! Geez he is soo easy and Andrew knows it AND takes advantage of it every chance he gets!

Martin and I had such a blast laughing our asses off with our family members on the Other Side that day! SO much so, people must’ve thought we were drunk because we were having so much fun! We were high five-ing each other and just having a blast as our transitioned loved ones spent the day with us out and about. I just love living the metaphysical life, it makes being on this dense dimension so much easier to deal with, knowing there is so much more than just here. So much more to look forward to when I get to leave here.

Having one day off with Martin where we don’t have to do anything but what we want and being able to afford what we want finally, well, it’s just AWESOME!


Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Martin was on a reading today and the client mentioned pendulums. Martin HATES pendulums for trying to get answers to questions. From a hypno-therapist point of view he finds them useless because you can make them move with your mind. For instance, you can think circle and it will go that way. Think swing back and forth, and it will, so your thoughts can give you the answer you want instead of the correct answer in his opinion.

Well, as Martin was getting ready to tell her exactly what he thought of pendulums, Andrew took Martin’s bootay back to school once again! The next thing Martin knew he was looking at his wee gray shorts, white socks and sandals that he use to wear when he was a young boy. But there was something different this time. This time Martin had these white with flowers knee socks on! LMFAO! Martin looked at Andrew and said “Seriously dude! WTH? Is this really necessary?” Andrew was LHAO!

Martin realized he was wearing his sister’s socks. He had totally forgotten about the day his mother made him wear his sister’s socks because he couldn’t find his. Andrew must really dig into the archives for this stuff! hahahaha

So Andrew is standing there by the chalk board again getting ready to give Martin a lesson on pendulums. Martin looks at the chalk board with PENDULUM written across the top of it. Under neath it had all these complicated formulas and the name “wave generator” written on it. Martin looked at Andrew and said “Really? WTH? For the pendulum?” Andrew laughed and said “Just kidding Daddy” as he erased the board. He continued, “ha, me and Tesla just working on some things” then he winked at Martin. Andrew knew Martin would journey with what the wave generator could be. Martin is so easy!

Then Andrew went on to explain the pendulum and how it really works. It’s about allowing your body to answer the question. The subconscious gives your body the answer and goes to the pendulum. It doesn’t work with everyone because if they are blocked it won’t work. Martin went into some kind of bio-energy explanation too but didn’t give me that info while I was writing this. He first told me this lil ditty while I was driving and there’s only so much I can remember while driving. Then we have to come home and I have to pull it out of him again. I make this look easy people, but it’s a lot of work to get these stories on here! ;-)

While nothing is written in stone, but the pendulum is really not a tool for messages from Spirit. Not saying it couldn’t happen, but generally speaking it’s more of a tool for body talk or muscle testing.

Martin said as I was driving and originally telling me this story that when Andrew goes into teaching mode he is “deadly” serious. I said to him, “really, deadly? THAT’S how you’d describe him” He goes, “Oh yea, deadly seriously.” I asked, “do you even hear yourself?” Then the light bulb went on, and he says laughing “oh yea, oops! my bad” On the up side, he can say that word because that is the last word we would use regarding our son’s state of being.

Andrew was just trying to get Martin to ponder the uses of a pendulum and be more open to what they can do. All this was going on DURING the reading! Wild huh? If people only knew everything that goes on during a reading! lol


Sunday, February 14, 2010


Martin played at the Irish Rove last night with the band Tipperary Knights. Bobby, the manager of the Rover, was in the band for over 20 yrs when they went their separate ways. Carmel, the fiddle player, really rocked it. Come to find out, Martin is related to her by marriage! She married Martin’s 3rd cousin. That was really wild to find out *cue It’s A Small World*

Martin wanted to be taped while he was playing with the band. We were suppose to bring our digital recorder but forgot. SO Dan O’Reilly taped Martin playing for us. Dan is the resident photog, website guy, whatever is needed guy. Dan sent the video to Martin this morning.

Martin came out of his office after watching the video of him playing laughing so hard he couldn’t talk. Martin tells me in between laughing hard, that he was really getting into his mandolin playing, bobbin his head, really admiring the mandolin playing. Martin was all up in his own flava! lol Loving his self, enjoying his playing, when he felt Andrew laughing at him. Andrew knew Martin was getting lost in himself, and admiring the guy in the video! Who da man? You da man! The whole “I love me, who do you love” saying Martin use to say about egotistical people comes in to play here I believe!

So when Martin asked Andrew what he was laughing at, Andrew took Martin outside of himself to show him how gay Martin was for himself! His poofie hair,(note to self, cut his hair ASAP!) & instead of wearing his “I’m Gay For Gregg”(Braden) t-shirt, he was wearing a “I’m gay for ME” t-shirt, Andrew went ALL out to show how much Martin was into himself! Andrew thought Martin would get a good laugh showing him this and by God Martin did! He could hardly talk from laughin so hard! I just heard Andrew tell me there now, “Just keeping it real Pretty Mama! Just keepin it real!” LOL I’m guessing you had to be there to get the full effect to find it as funny as Martin did, but I thought it was funny enough to put here. :-D


Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Who knew that readings could have a green room, but they do! Scene; Whoopie Goldberg in the movie "Ghost" and all these spirits waiting to talk to her. That will give you an idea what happened today with a few private readings Martin had. While most of the time he is doing commercial readings, he occasionally does private readings. I'm surprised he doesn't have more private readings, but whatever.

Martin had 2 clients today that came to the house for readings. They drove over 90 mins to get here. For whatever reason they didn't want a phone reading, they wanted it face to face.

The first client started with a lot of questions about doing mediumship & her transitioned loved ones. (TLO) Martin looked to Andrew and said "Where are we going with this? Who's next?" Andrew was standing in front of a door and said "Come here Daddy." Andrew opens the door and there's a crap load of TLO's in the room waiting to come through! Dunno if Andrew had them in there all organized because of his slight OCD is what the deal was. He had just enough OCD here for it to be REALLY useful to me.

Andrew then looked at Martin, cracked his neck like a fighter does before he goes into the ring, and said "Ok Daddy, let's do this!" (side note, that was last words Andrew said to Martin before he had to leave here. *wipes tears*) Let the readings begin! They were able to get the ones through that needed to come through & a good time was had by all. Andrew is quite the showman!


Friday, January 29, 2010


I met Elatia, her boyfriend J.R. and her high school friend Dawn whom I haven’t seen in 10yrs, at the beach today. The weather is cooler so it’s my kind of beach weather. There was a bit of cloud cover but just a thin layer, it didn’t totally block the sun, just toned it down a bit.

Martin was home working. In between calls he decides to help us out weather wise and goes to the front door and starts to clear the clouds. Well, the next thing he knows he feels a strong flick in his ear! OUCH! It stung him pretty darn good too! It shocked him because no one was home but him. He turned around to see if Andrew's friend Wes maybe snook in the back way or something. (Wes is always finding a way in our house. Some might even call it B & E. lol) But nope! No one was there!

Then he hears, “What are you doing Daddy? I put the clouds there for Pretty Mama! Leave them alone!” ROFLMAO! Andrew knows I’m not a full on sun person and gave me my kind of beach weather! AND Martin was messing with that and Andrew let him know it! Flllllick! :-D So both my air benders were trying to give me great beach weather. I have the 2 best men on my side! ;-)

As I was walking to my car alone, I was kinda feeling alone. I was sorry Martin couldn’t go with me and missing Andrew being with me. Then when I get in my car, the song I had for Andrew when he was a baby came on, Aerosmith’s “You’re My Angel.” My boy was sitting right beside me. He’s a good son!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Martin was on a reading with a woman that had a recent spiritual awakening. She goes to a DNA spa to heal past issues. She is seeing the changes in her relationship happening because of it. Her spouse is responding to her new energy in a wonderful way that is surprising her. People don’t realize just how sensitive we are to other peoples’ energy. So it’s really true, if you want things to change, YOU have to change first.

As Martin is doing the reading, he and Andrew/PureHeart do what they always do, energy work on the caller. This caller could feel it. She was feeling the tingling of the energy. Then the fun insued.

Martin tunes into PureHeart/Andrew and sees him doing what they use to do, and maybe still do at the Angel Therapy Practitioner ATP(r) classes we use to staff, pull lower vibrational energy out of people. For instance, supposedly one particular time it was a black dragon that was being pulled out. Personally, I found it to be a little on the dramatic side, but whatever.

As Andrew/PureHeart, (because it’s definitely both sides of Andrew doing this,) start pulling the energy out, Martin sees this white shield of Light around this person. Then he sees PH pull out a black, smiling dragon with tiny wings! PH is hanging onto the tail as the dragon is flying all about as PH is trying to hang onto it! LMAO! PH sez, “Shoulda grabbed him by his wings Daddy!” LOL Then PH looks at Martin and sez “Remember this Daddy?” Meaning the whole dramatic pulling energy out thing they did at ATP(r)

PureHeart goes in again and this time pulls out a very rusty pipe and looks at it like “Well this is weird!” LOL and tosses it over his shoulder. PureHeart was doing the amazing energy work while Andrew was having fun about the few times we did the dramatic energy pulling work at ATP(r) Andrew was reminding Martin of it because he knew Martin would find it funny.

As Martin was telling me this story, he was acting it out to give me the visual of what Andrew was doing. I was LMAO! I could just see Andrew doing all this. Martin was out of his body during this because he was right there with Andrew.

As the call is winding down, she thanks Martin. He asked for what because he wasn’t even aware of what he had said because he was so focused on Andrew. She said for the energy work, she could really feel it.

When Martin does readings he tends to leave his body to get info anyway. One client that came here for a reading one time saw Martin physically fading in and out as he went and got information. So even if he doesn’t remember what he said, his Higher Self has it under control apparently. Even Andrew saw Martin disappear when teaching a mediumship class during a meditation back in 2005 or 2006 In Huntington Bch, Ca. Andrew said he could hear Martin but he wasn’t there.

When the call was over Andrew told Martin “Go tell Pretty Mama. She’s looking for something to write about.” So here I am. :-D


Thursday, January 21, 2010


When Martin does commercial readings, he's bound to get a newbie at some point that wants to read him. When people start getting into their intuitive gifts, they tend to be like a kid in a candy store. They want to read everyone they see, whether the person wants it or not, whether they are any good at readings or not.

Martin has had professional psychics call him and knock his socks off and they weren't trying to read him. For instance, one psychic called him because she wanted to see if he was good as she was hearing he was AND he was! One of the first things she says was "Two peas in a pod, does that mean anything to you? I was told to say it to you." That was Andrew and Martin's saying to each other. Then she went on to describe Andrew. That's cool when that happens.

But tonight this is not what happened. This girl was a HUGE newbie who decided she wanted to read Martin which is one of his pet peeves. He hates when people offer unsolicited readings. We've had people try and do that at our shows, and not only have they been way off base, but they were out of line as well. Martin went with it tonight anyway since he works for a company that runs a tight ship & didn't want to offend her. Plus Andrew appeared that he was going to have fun with it, and make sure Martin did too. And that he did!

First, this client went on about us needing new cutlery. Huh? Really? Info on cutlery is what you are getting? I have no problem with my cutlery and I certainly wouldn't pay her a dime for info like that on a reading! Then it was about needing to re-do my kitchen counter tops. Ok, seriously, least of my concerns! A little Comet on them does the trick. She then said she saw a father figure around Martin, that is when the fun began. Andrew started blowing a horn and marching, banging big cymbals, using one of them swirly noise maker things they use at Irish football matches to get her attention. Like,"Helllloooooo! Son here! You don't see me??!!!" But no matter what Andrew did, she never once mentioned him! He's a pretty powerful Spirit! If you can't pick up on him, you can't be that good! You definitely shouldn't be doing readings for people!

Next she went on to tell Martin how he pushes away powerful women. WHAT?! Not only does he have 5 strong willed, Irish (Is that redundant?) sisters, he's married to the most powerful woman he's ever met! Andrew tells Martin "shhhhhhh don't mention Pretty Mama to her," because Andrew knows where this client is taking this. So she continues on about how there is a woman out there for him! What?! Are you kidding me with this!? Andrew says, "Yea in the living room!" "Helllloooo! *blows horn again* Really! Still nothing?!!!! Don't make me get the cymbal playing monkey" LMAO!

Martin had a hard time listening to her because Andrew was much more entertaining. Well it entertained the hell out of me that is for sure! So once again, she proved Martin's point, DON'T GIVE UNSOLICITED READINGS! Well, unless you wanna be blogged about that is! :-)


Monday, January 4, 2010

IsThat For Here or To Go?

As I have mentioned before, Muck & Martin love their 7-11 runs. Today was no different. Merlin, (my 12 lb co-dependent long haired wiener dog) and I went with Martin today. I was going to stay in the car w/Merlin when I felt the nudge (from Andrew) to go in. I wondered what debauchery awaited me in 7-11. I would soon find out!

I go in and I find Martin getting his soda, then a sammie, nothing unusual there. It wasn’t until we got to the check out counter that the fun began. When we get to the counter, the male cashier asks, “Do you want this for here or to go?” I knew right away that the cashier was screwing with Martin! lol But Martin? He hadn’t a clue! Martin was actually pondering if he wanted his soda and sammie for there or to go. HELLLLOOOO! IT’S 7-11! IT’S ALL TO GO!

I’m standing there waiting for Martin to realize that the cashier was screwing with him. Then the cashier continues on, thinking maybe the next comment might help Martin catch on, “We have valet parking too, but I dunno where they park the cars or put the keys, or if you’ll get the car back.” He then offered us a curb side service as well as a curb side table. ROFLMAO! Well, by this point, Martin catches on. Maybe it’s because I was LMAO that tipped him because the cashier kept a straight face and continued on with more nonsense that 7-11 does not offer. hahahahaha.

Martin tried to say in his defense, that he wasn’t in body is why he didn’t catch on. Yea, yea, that excuse is an old one buddy! I ain’t buyin it! You knew where you were going, you weren’t on a reading! As we were leaving, Martin sez to me while laughing, “Thanks for having my back… again!” Insinuating that I never have his back. I said,”What?! And miss all this fun!? I don’t think so Tim! Are you new?!” Andrew is so good to me! He was the one that nudged me to go in. He didn’t want me to miss this show!

Martin has sworn vengeance on this 7-11 clerk. He was quoting Stuie from Family Guy mumbling something about this clerk's death being quick and painless and quoting other high profile angry cartoon characters on the way home. Hahahahaha And this little piggy laughed all the way home! ;-)

Who knew 7-11 could be this much fun!? It is when you live w/Psychic Boy! Super Natural Hero!