Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Martin was doing a past life regression with a client recently and there’s always interesting information that comes forth from that, and not always just for the client. Martin asked this client what gift did they get from the person they trusted in that particular life time. The gift was an apple. They asked Martin what the significance of the apple was. Martin went to Andrew for the answer. When an answer matters, you go to the top! Martin taps into Andrew’s energy and there Andrew is in an old school room tapping a desk with a wooden ruler and asked Martin to sit down. A lesson was about to ensue yet again. He was taking Martin back to school as well.

First, Martin has an issue with wooden rulers from his young school days in N. Ireland with the old nasty, bitter priests and nuns that he had as teachers. These nuns and priests were pretty abusive back in the 1960’s and 70’s. And we all know what else went on. Seriously?! Just let them marry already and leave the children alone! So Andrew was helping Martin heal that part of his childhood during this session. Some how just by seeing the ruler helped Martin move through the pain of those experiences. But sure, Martin has been on the fast track to healing for quite some time now.

Next Martin asks Andrew about the apple and what it meant. Andrew took Martin to the Garden Of Eden, which is just a reference, not necessarily a real place, and asked Martin what the apple represented in the story. So Martin asked his client that question, to which they replied, “temptation.” ANNNNND the survey said, WRONG! When Martin was telling me this story, I answered TRUTH! I was closer. Ha ha I win! Andrew replied, “No, the taking of the apple was the temptation, the apple itself represents knowledge.” After all the apple did come from the tree of knowledge.

This person that was in this client’s past life, is also in their current life as their spouse, and they admitted that they knew their spouse has information, knowledge if you will, for them about their life purpose this lifetime.

What I found interesting about this story is that most people do believe that the apple represents temptation when in fact it represents knowledge. And as many of us have found out as we got older, many religions do not like people having knowledge, for knowledge is power and you can’t control people that are standing in their power! I’m just sayin...


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