Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I’ve been meaning to write this post for nearly a week now but with the new job, it has been difficult. SO here it finally is.

When you have a child on the Other Side, you do learn a heck of a lot. Like when they say we are all one, therefore all connected, you really get to see it in action. People that you have never met you find you are connected to. It is pretty cool to witness. Would I prefer Andrew here instead? In a heartbeat! But since he no longer is, you have to look for the blessings and teachings in all this.

Martin had a client whose daughter had passed in a car crash when she was in her early 20’s about 5 years ago. Andrew showed up with her in this reading. They know each other and are actually working on a project together. They didn’t tell us what kind of project. Just because you are psychic, doesn’t mean you get ALL the answers like a lot of people believe! I know, bummer, but that just isn’t how things work! Welcome to Earth! :-D

Martin had this reading the day I had the message of “Ul b ok” on the license plate of the Ford Focus as I was going to work. (see previous post if you don’t know what I’m talking about.) Sometimes these signs just keep on giving and are just a set up for more teachings!

Martin found out that this client’s daughter passed in a car crash in what?? A FORD FOCUS! Coinkeedink? I think not! Not when it comes to Spirit! Oh but it doesn’t end there! Andrew was standing behind her and whispers in her ear what to say to Martin. What does she say? Something Martin can not repeat to his client, that is fo sho! This one was strictly for Martin’s ears…and my blog! ;-) Muck told her to say, F.O.R.D.= Found On Road Dead! Now you gotta understand, for those who have crossed it is NOT a tragedy, they are truly Home, they are where we spend most of our time. They see how our time here is so limited and “death” is just a continuation of what has always been.

Martin says to Andrew, “Dude, you just didn’t tell her to say that! I am NOT repeating that to her mother!” Although, her mother was very open and knows there is so much more than here. Her daughter has the same kind of energy as Andrew, they just got it when they were here. But there was no way Martin was repeating that one to her mother!

Andrew then peeks over her shoulder and says “Too soon Daddy?” Martin sez, “ya think?” Then Andrew and this girl start laughing. Glad they are having such a great time, us parents are STILL not amused and still trying to deal with losing our kids physical presence! But it’s good to know that our kids are having such a great time! Actually hearing stories like these really do make my day! I LOVE hearing what Andrew is doing and how he is working with and effecting other people…here and there. It’s pretty cool and it helps me to not get caught up in all the BS of this dimension, because no what matter happens here….


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