Sunday, March 14, 2010

Walmart Outting w/Muck

AND not because of a zombie infestation either! LOL

I can’t stress enough how important it is to acknowledge the signs our transitioned loved ones send us. Don’t brush them off or try to explain it away. You’d be surprised how connected you will feel to them when you thank them for sending the sign. Why wouldn’t you want to feel good and connected to your TLO? SO the next time a TLO sends you a sign, no matter how small, say thank you and take a moment to feel them, see how powerful that really is!

Take today for instance, Martin and I go to Walmart so I can get some work clothes. As I was parking the car, Martin, noticed a license plate that had MAY 121. May 12th is Muck’s birthday, and 1 is his destiny number. We took that as a “hello, I’m with ya Mommy and Daddy!”

As we were walking around Walmart talking about the license plate being a way of Muck letting us know he was there, I was whining how I wanted Muck back, I wish it wasn’t just signs from him. (but grateful that I get them). As I was whining about wanting my son back in my arms, and not being a grandmother and probably won’t ever be, (oh yea, I can be a real joy sometimes!) Martin said “Look at that.” I look over at the baby bibs he was pointing at and there was a camouflage green bib just like Muck’s shorts, that said, “My daddy is my HERO!” I made Muck a sign while we were in the hospital that he was my hero. Martin and I both could feel Muck’s energy with us.

Again, it’s the little things as well we should acknowledge, mo matter how small. As Martin and I were walking down an aisle, 2 women were walking past us and one said she had to go get some Puffs tissues for her nose. Puff’s were Andrew favorite tissues while he was in the hospital. I thanked him for another “Hello!” It’s not about whether it’s really your TLO’s or not,(but it IS them!) it’s about how it makes us feel, and if it makes us feel closer to our TLO’s than why not?! In order to move through grief, you have to find those moments that make you feel good and look for them every chance you get.

For instance, the other day on my way to work, I noticed the mini cooper in front of me. They had an “Imagine” license that said “FAB 4 ME” I took it as a “Hello Mommy, I’m going to work with you today.” In case you don’t know, Imagine is Muck’s fav John Lennon song, and I think Muck was also reminding me that things are indeed fabulous for him. While I know it is, it’s us that it sucks for that he moved on from here, it’s a nice reminder that things are fab for him.

I think the song “I’LL BE THERE” by the Escape Club says it all.

over Mountains
over Trees
over Oceans
over Seas
across the desert
I’ll be there

in a whisper on the wind
on the smile of a new friend
just think of me
And I’ll be there

Don’t be afraid, oh my love
I’ll be watching you from above
And I’d give all the world tonight,
to be with you
Because I’m on your side,
And I still care
I may have died,
but I’ve gone nowhere

Just think of me,
And I’ll be there

On the edge of a waking dream
over Rivers
over Streams
through Wind and Rain
I’ll be there

Across the wide and open sky
thousands of miles I’d fly
to be with you
I’ll be there

Don’t be afraid, oh my love
I’ll be watching you from above
And I’d give all the world tonight,
to be with you
Because I’m on your side,
And I still care
I may have died,
but I’ve gone nowhere

Just think of me,
And I’ll be there

In the breath of a wind that sighs
oh, there’s no need to cry

Just think of me,
And I’ll be there

Enjoy your TLO’s! :-D

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