Monday, September 14, 2009

Peepin Elves?

Apparently so! Tammy and Cassie were in Andrew’s room goofing around. Well, Tammy was trying to go to sleep and Cassie wasn’t having any of it. SO as they were in there laughing and carrying on, I hear them get a little freaked out.

They come out of the room and ask where Martin was because they thought he was outside of Andrew’s bedroom window trying to scare them. I said “Nope, he’s in the office doing an $80 special reading.” *insert commercial here* Then they asked where Daniel was. Told them he was in the office too. They went into the office to check and sho enuf, there was Daniel at Andrew’s computer.

Then Tammy & Cassie ran outside to see if they could see anyone because they said they definitely heard someone at the window. Well, Tammy just demonstrated it and it scared the piss outta me! That was no wind blowing! Someone definitely ran their hands down the window! :-o So the Elves were making their presence known to someone other than Daniel and Martin.

Now you might think it was some neighborhood kids, not with the average age of the neighborhood being 70! We don’t have kids that roam the street at night, well not since Andrew quit walking Wes home after midnite anyway. :-(

SO our Elvin buddies are making themselves more known. Looking forward to hearing more from them. So Stay Tuned!



Tammy put her blanket that we took to the beach last week out side draped on 2 chairs. Daniel noticed today that it looked like 2 people had sat in them. Sure enough when we went to look at them that’s exactly what it looked like! No one’s been out there sitting except Martin & he has his chair. It looks like the handy work of a couple of Elves IMHO!

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